North to Alaska!

Thanks for the Hatchery names.  I finally decided on Murry McMurray .......ordered the heavy breed mix, straight run......anxious to see what I get.  Our coop is done and almost sided, next comes the run.  Peeps should be here by July 11th------very excited.  Question, we may still be working on the a novice chicken person.....wondering if the building noises will cause any stress on the babes on top of the traveling stress?  Any other advice from members will be greatly appreciated.

I actually think the noises are good, since it will get the chicks used to more things.

As to the run, think through

1. Predators, my worst have been dogs and all flying things (mostly eagles and hawks, but also owls)

2. Snow load! Where will it go, what will it hide or break. Also, my chickens don't like playing in it.
Thank you for your reply. The run will be on the west side of the building, dumping snow onto a bunch of fireweed
. We have done a lot of reading and have decided that we will be doing the periphery with buried wood and hardware cloth. The top will be wood. I appreciate your telling me that yours don't like going outside......sounds like we can take our time but have it ready for next spring. I worry about the martens. I also have 3 dogs, hoping to introduce them slowly as part of their pack. We have lots of bears around here that the dogs keep at bay, so hoping they will be a early warning system..

Hoping some of my Alaska "chicken friends" can help a girl out.

We got a couple chicks from my daughters' preschool, but now I "need" at least 1 or 2 more. We're allowed to have 5 and we currently have 3. We have 2 legbars and 1 ameraucauna...we'd love a maran or a chocolate egg layer...or, we are open to other suggestions.

My problem - I can't find chickens in Alaska. Wait, I found some down in Homer, but didn't buy them when we were there because we were fishing.

We live in Anchorage and are willing to come pick them out, but geesh - why aren't they more available? Maybe we should setup a buying group so we can get some great chicks (or eggs) and share them (since some of us can only have a few...)

If anyone is in Alaska Flock Talk - can you please PM me so you can add me. It's showing as a closed group.


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