North to Alaska!

I am looking to re-home my five laying hens and two roosters in the next week. I am located in North Pole by Badger Elementary. The birds all go together. Hens: two buff brahma, two light brahma, one langshan. Great layers, they have each laid an egg a day since March of this year, and are all very friendly (one of the buffs is maybe a little overly friendly, my son carries her around they yard). The roosters are one langshan (he's the boss of the bunch but friendly, he is missing his toenails but is able to get around perfectly fine) and one Americana (he is disabled, he lost his feet this past winter to frost bite, but he is healthy and has adjusted well, will need some extra care in the winter, he obviously is not able to get up on the roost, so will need an elevated and cosy nesting box or similar). I am asking $50 for all, you pick up. I want this bunch to go to a decent home. I also have a coop for sale if needed, and can make a package deal (with lights, feeders, waterers, etc). Please private message me for more information. Thank you!
Hi all!
We recently moved to Ak from the South. Have TONS to learn, but in the meantime...My 12yo daughter, who is the reason we are passionate about all things feathered, is wanting a couple of Silkie hold her over until we are better settled and able to do the "farm" we desire.
I have breezed through many of the 80 page post here and did request to be a part of the FB Talk and Swap. Would that be the best place to find our hens? Or is there another wise soul out there who knows how I can bring back the twinkle in my daughter's eye? :)
Thanks in advance,
Wasilla is close enough! :) We are 36 miles south of Anchorage. That is very exciting news! Due to close neighbors, we will need hens. My dd would like grey/silver but at this point, if it was GREEN it would not matter. Lol. Just Silkie.
New Alaskan member here and we are looking to start raising chickens. Looking for good egg layers that can survive our winters. We are in Anchorage so...we are no too cold. Since the last hatchery closed a bit ago we also would prefer to buy local and not mail order our chicks. Looking for advice on breeds, care and where can we get some chicks to start with. We are thinking 2 to 3 to start with.


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