North to Alaska!

I asked to join a couple of the FB pgs y'all mentioned, maybe they will allow me to join. We have put in for a transfer to Alaska, hopefully it will happen. We will see. Trying to plan ahead..
Depending on where we end up (IF we end up there) we may be able to jump into chickens/livestock & gardening, all the stuff we want/need to do right away. If we end up on base, we may need more modest beginnings there. It's all up in the air right now. But thanks for the info on the groups, if this happens I am sure we will need them.
I asked to join a couple of the FB pgs y'all mentioned, maybe they will allow me to join. We have put in for a transfer to Alaska, hopefully it will happen. We will see. Trying to plan ahead..
Depending on where we end up (IF we end up there) we may be able to jump into chickens/livestock & gardening, all the stuff we want/need to do right away. If we end up on base, we may need more modest beginnings there. It's all up in the air right now. But thanks for the info on the groups, if this happens I am sure we will need them.

No problem... I enjoy being helpful :)

So if you do transfer... That would be Anchorage? (Or did your DH get into big trouble... And your move might be to Barrow) :lau
No problem... I enjoy being helpful :)

So if you do transfer... That would be Anchorage? (Or did your DH get into big trouble... And your move might be to Barrow) :lau

The groups already accepted me. That was quick! :) our move would be to Delta Junction, Ft. Greely area. The way I understand it, base living is possible there, but not necessarily going to happen. Either way is fine for us at this point. (I have never lived on a base. DH spent time in the Air Force, so he has) It would just be temporary 'til we find a place if that is the way it goes. Personally, I would really like for this to happen.
THAT area is nice. There are some super pretty houses over there, and they have warm summers, so you can grow heat loving things outside.

Winters are long and cold.... But much better than Barrow :oops: now watch someone come on who loves Barrow.

Anyway.... Lots of people grow hay around Delta Junction.
THAT area is nice. There are some super pretty houses over there, and they have warm summers, so you can grow heat loving things outside.

Winters are long and cold.... But much better than Barrow :oops: now watch someone come on who loves Barrow.

Anyway.... Lots of people grow hay

I will be really looking forward to learning how things are done there. It will be an adventurous .. everything! ;) My plan is to wipe the slate clean of what I think I know and go at it from a fresh perspective. I haven't been able to do much of anything self sufficient in the last four years besides some apt gardening & fishing, the old dog hasn't even hunted, so it won't be that much of a stretch. I will be starting over from scratch. Except for the incubator I built. I'm testing that now & it will be coming with me. ;)
Ooh! Lots of fun!

Starting over is always good.

My advice, bring as LITTLE as possible with you. It costs a fortune to move things to and from Alaska, so the garage sales here always have super good things for very little money.

But since you are with the military... Maybe they pay for moving?


I had a friend that said that his opinions on if people coming up here would love it or hate it, all hinged on if they wore hats. Wearing a stocking hat keeps you so much warmer, and therefor happier! ;)

Remember, cotton kills.

All clothes should be all of the synthetics, wool, or silk. Super good long johns, the ones that adjust so you can wear them inside and out in warmer or colder temp comfortably are NEEDED (or will at least make you lots happier). I think my favorite pair is from bergelene or something like that. Hummmm. Never skimp on socks, super good wool socks. And I have lots of fleece, I like the ones with a long front zipper... Zipped up it is almost a turtle neck and unzipped all the way you can cool off if you got over heated.

Sierra trading post has great deals on all gear.

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