North to Alaska!

I have had a Lynx in my yard, but at the time I didn't have any chickens. It checked out the goats and left, I haven't seen it since. I think we lost more chickens to birds of prey rather than ground based predators.
I too have Lynx in my area.

But also, no losses to lynx... That I know of.

My biggest losses has been DOGS!!!

Second is raptors, all of them. Mostly bald eagles, but also great horned owls, and hawks, etc. etc.
Yup dogs too! We were lucky enough to catch them in the act before too much damage was done.
When I was a kid I remember we has a full flock wipe-out in like 3 days. Just some scattered feathers left, we figured it was a bird of some sort. Once an owl went after the flock. Mom saw it in a tree, said it looked like it was almost 3 feet tall!
Nope, it crawled in through the pop door, and had full access.

Supposedly they find the heads the tastiest... Delicious brain. :rolleyes: It ate a couple f heads the first night... Second night it pried its way in, and ate a few more heads...

Third night, I got everything closed toghtly enough, that the owl just left claw marks around the pop door as it tried to pry it open again.

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