North to Alaska!

Marshall, here on the L. Yukon...hopin' to get more birds...& grow my flock...
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

More Alaskans every day!!

And another Alaskan.
I live in Fairbanks, moved up here from Florida about 10 years ago or so. We were going to get some chicks this summer, but with an unfinished house, unfinished studio, unfinished garden...I can't see my way to building a chicken coop this year.
In the meantime though, I was told there is a chicken cooperative in town and am waiting to hear back from the person who told me about it. Plus, I'm busy looking at all the coop designs there are. Wow!

Nice to meet ya'll. Hope to meet somebody a little closer to me than those I've already seen on here!
Hi All!

Just now moving into Sutton from Anchorage (yuck) and I will be looking for some chickens in a week or so. Would love just a few good laying hens and then interested in getting some chicks for next year's layers.

Does anyone have anything available or know who would?


I would ask this on the Alaska Chicken Lovers thread in Random Ramblings to make sure the Ak peeps see it. Welcome to the valley! I live down Palmer Fishhook.
Check craigslist too!
Hi Rachel,
We have 3 more weeks of setting, 6 more weeks of baby chicks and then we're done for the season with general hatching. Incubators go year round, though, so if you have something in particular in mind, let us know.
Did you get my email?
Tori in Sterling

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