Northeast GA - Cuckoo Marans and OEGB chicks


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 12, 2008
Royston, GA
I've got Marans and OEGB from age 6 weeks down to just out of the egg for sale.

Marans are Cuckoo - OEGB are red pyle, wheaten, birchen, ginger red, silver campine.

Priced according to age and breed, $3 - $8. Would trade for OEGB BBred, barred, or ?. Pick up only.

Thanks, Rodney
I have some Bantams that I would be willing to trade for a good layer. On eof these birds is even a former show bird. Let me know.
What kind of bantam? None of my available marans are old enough to lay yet but I can separate roos from hens.

Looking at the bBreeds page on BYC they look like Nankings. They are very friendly and have been hadles by my little girls for a while now. I just have three roosters in the same pen and would like to get some better layers.

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