NORTHERN California!

Im in Lodi. Not too sure if Im in northern California or not. But I still wanted to say hi!

Not to knock this thread, but California - Northern is much more active, so if you are looking for local contacts or breeds, you might try it.

California - Northern
Hi there.... I am new to the forum but want to let everyone know about a Backyard Flock Workshop put on by the California Poultry Federation in Modesto on May 31. I manage the NPIP program and have various poultry experts speaking. Email or message me. If you go on the website, you will find info about the workshop. Hope to see some of you there!
Aloha, I realize the article you wrote about having to give your chickens away was in 2009. You mentioned you would just take them to the Fair Oaks Park & set them free....yes, that was a long, long time ago...I just wanted to share some info with you & maybe with your friends too. 1st, my name is Sasha & I just happen to be the Chicken Lady @ the Fair Oaks Village for the last 3 years :) . Please spread the word; It is $1000.00 Fine to abandon OR poach these chickens & if people knew what REALLY goes on here in the Village.. No One would ever drop their roosters or hens here again.. Never Ever! 1) Fair Oaks has never paid one single dime for the care & maintenance of their "town mascot", & the "Chicken Festival", well, I call it Fraud! Not one chicken has ever seen a dime of that money either. I know, HUH? I fed them everyday for 1 1/2 years, till I hurt my back. The other 2 chicken ladies... The are only able to feed a TOTAL of 3 days a week & most of these birds have absolutely no access to water. Our bowls are stolen by the park & river people, etc. One time I wrote on these water bins; for chickens, please do not remove...& the next day they were all gone. People in the Village are fed up with the chickens because they just keep coming. See, they are ALL abandoned animals/PETS..they can't defend themselves...if the chickens had a dog or a cat at their house....unfortunately they do Not know the difference between a coyote OR a bobcat...& they get eaten,. :( I started counting the chickens in NOV 2011 & when Aug 2013 came..well I quit counting.. 726 chickens had come & gone thru the Village..383 were abandoned & 343 were missing. Currently, there are 131 roosters & 8 hens.. Hens are taken for meat & for eggs...Or eaten while attending to their nests &/or their chicks.. & every rooster that gets dropped off has to fight every rooster in the vicinity...a lot don't make thru the 1st week here. Yes, yes, yes..It Is So absolutely disgusts me that Fair Oaks has been "riding" off their coattails for 40 years & they have never cared about the "hand/chickens who have fed them all these years. Chickens are on everything..t shirts magnets, phone books, artwork, even the street signs have chickens on them. The worst part is that there is no place to take these roosters, therefore they get dumped at many parks in Sacto Co. The madness has got to stop! I've been fighting w/ the Co for 3 years just to put signs up re; the fine for abandoning birds & one person suggested that I throw a fundraiser.. :) what? take responsibility for your birds? it's just crazy. So sorry if I broke your heart & hopefully this didn't ruin your day... The TRUTH HAS GOT TO BE TOLD- THIS ALL HAS TO CHANGE- IT IS SO UNFAIR TO THESE LOVING CHICKENS- I HONESTLY CAN'T LIVE W/OUT THEM <3 sO pLEASE,SPREAD THE WORD!!! & if you would like to talk to me, or have any questions, please feel free to call anytime. Sincerely, Sasha 916-863-6364.
Please spread the word; It is $1000.00 Fine to abandon OR poach these chickens................
Wow, I did not know this. I've been to the park a couple of times to feed the chickens with my family. It's a fun place to check out different breeds. I've always found homes for chickens I couldn't keep, but I had thought that I could always drop them off there. Signs would be a good thing to let people know that's not allowed. I also didn't know that the city didn't have anything to do with taking care of them. They are like the mascot in old town, I assumed the city tended to them as well as the local businesses. Good info, Thanks Sasha
Hello my fellow Northern Californians!!!

I live in Palo Alto and need to re-home Clyde. He is a 4 month old Sicilian buttercup. Tame, eats out of my hand and quite friendly as roosters go.

I would appreciate any help in finding him a new home.

Thank you

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