NORTHERN California!

Philter , have you ever driven any animals in from FL to CA? We are planning a move , due to illness and the need for a 215 state- with 9 chickens , 2 ducks ,possibly our peahen , a pot belly pig and 9 dogs... We plan to drive down in our explorer towing a 30 ft travel trailer. We are concerned with interstate checkpoints and the CA AG border inspections. I Still have to call the CA state vet and find exact requirements but do you have any experience with driving into CA with animals? any thoughts or advice would be appreciated!

I have never driven an animal across more then 1 state line to the destination, I used to receive and then reship animals after quarantine, which would be similar to what you will need to do, but it was always through the airlines. If you want my thoughts here is what I would do if it were me and my animals.

First do you have any friends who could hold the animals in California or Florida? It is much easier to have the animals shipped by you and held in CA until you arrive then it would be to leave the animals in FL and then have someone else ship them after you have a place here in CA. If this is not a possibility you need to find a animal hotel in CA that deals in pets other then dogs and cats and make arrangements to have them take control of the animals on arrival. It will not be cheap and you will have to fly them here as freight which is also not cheap but that is your only option unless you drive them yourself. You will need to find a freight forwarder who deals in animals and contact them unless you are a known shipper with the airlines.

There are companies who ship animals for a living, Air club for pets ( is one company that you could contact. I have never dealt with them but you can do a search online for others. I don't know the cost, I always did it myself, I'm a known shipper on several airlines and have used FedEx and freight trains as well, but there is no reason not to call around and get prices.

Your least expensive way to accomplish your goal is to drive them here, find out exactly the route you will take and check all of the states rules and regulations that are along the route, also check any state that you might have to go through in an emergency just in case. Follow each states guidelines and have all documentation necessary for the trip. Many states will need vet certifications, but all of them will probably accept the same vets results so just bring along copies in case you have to leave a set with the AG depts at any one check point.

As far as the animals on the trip itself, you will need individual cages for each animal, big enough for the animal to stand up in and turn around but not much bigger, large areas can cause the animals to try to move around too much and they can get hurt on rough roads or curves or whatever. Stop frequently to give the dogs and pig a bathroom and water break but the chickens can stay in the cages for several days with fresh bedding, food and water changes at least once a day and twice, morning and evening, would be better.

Unless you have someone else do it for you this is the best advice I can think of quickly, if I think of anything else I will let you know but I wish you luck, I do not ever look forward to shipping animals because once they are dropped off (if someone else is handling the move for you) you don't have any control over their care or well being so it is very stressful until the move is complete and you are reunited.

If you can think of any specific questions I will do my best to answer them.
I'm in Butte County, too...and you just described my place...but hey, it was cheap!
Former Chico resident here, Paradise has one way in and out. Fires in the canyon along the Skyline can get nasty, that's why we didn't look at property in the "Pines" or Magalia. Gridley is mostly Ag land, not much snow, not many trees either.

Shasta County is another possibilty. Not the town of Redding but maybe Anderson, Palo Cedro. Lower elevation so the snow is more likely to melt off quickly. Hotter in the summer.

If you can get an address, try Google Earth. Most now have ariel views. Just a thought.
I'm in Oregon, just popping in here to your Northern California forum to mention that I will be driving from Redmond Oregon to Redding California and back in May.

I will be able to transport small animals that can withstand riding in a canopy on a pickup.

I'll be driving through Bend, La Pine, Klamath Falls, Shasta and any other town on that hwy. Animals in their own crate and you'd have to be able to meet me at the highway as I go through. It's your chance to get poultry or hatching eggs without the post office having their evil way with them.

PM me if you are interested.
It's the Skyway (just in case someone googles)
and since the fires of '08, they have paved Skyway all the way through to hwy 32. It's kind of sad to see our wooded area where we camp, ride horses and fish paved but it was scary when so many houses were lost in a matter of a day and everyone was trying to get out town at the same time during those fires. Like any wooded community, fire is an issue.

Paradise's biggest issue with the one way in and one way out is that we're a destination town. No one's going "though". Makes business a little tougher but it's a beautiful setting with all it's pines and oaks.

Much cooler then Chico, especially Redding and the surrounding areas because we're just up the hill enough to have cleaner and cooler air. I do love the town of Shasta but I think it's gets more snow then Paradise.

Former Chico resident here, Paradise has one way in and out. Fires in the canyon along the Skyline can get nasty, that's why we didn't look at property in the "Pines" or Magalia. Gridley is mostly Ag land, not much snow, not many trees either.

Shasta County is another possibilty. Not the town of Redding but maybe Anderson, Palo Cedro. Lower elevation so the snow is more likely to melt off quickly. Hotter in the summer.

If you can get an address, try Google Earth. Most now have ariel views. Just a thought.

Your least expensive way to accomplish your goal is to drive them here, find out exactly the route you will take and check all of the states rules and regulations that are along the route, also check any state that you might have to go through in an emergency just in case. Follow each states guidelines and have all documentation necessary for the trip. Many states will need vet certifications, but all of them will probably accept the same vets results so just bring along copies in case you have to leave a set with the AG depts at any one check point.

As far as the animals on the trip itself, you will need individual cages for each animal, big enough for the animal to stand up in and turn around but not much bigger, large areas can cause the animals to try to move around too much and they can get hurt on rough roads or curves or whatever. Stop frequently to give the dogs and pig a bathroom and water break but the chickens can stay in the cages for several days with fresh bedding, food and water changes at least once a day and twice, morning and evening, would be better.

Unless you have someone else do it for you this is the best advice I can think of quickly, if I think of anything else I will let you know but I wish you luck, I do not ever look forward to shipping animals because once they are dropped off (if someone else is handling the move for you) you don't have any control over their care or well being so it is very stressful until the move is complete and you are reunited.

If you can think of any specific questions I will do my best to answer them.

That is our thinking , driving them ourselves to guarantee proper care and handling.- cat carriers for the chickens , xlg dog crate for our piggie. 2 xpens we have to make makeshift potty areas at rest stops along with a few carefully planned stops at dog parks for exercise.. We read on the state website for CA -about needing current Rabies vaccine with certificate for all dogs and health certs for all other livestock.still have to call to verify with live person....we also read how rescue ferret transporters find routes around checkpoints- some are verified with the date of last check and some are unverified routes. This is because ferrets are illegal in CA. even still we woudlnt want to risk being told to turn around halfway through our trip- where it would cost mega money to get health certs in an unfamiliar place ---- good point about checking the other states , even though im just passing through they may have stipulations (hopefully not exceeding CAs)

Thanks again for the advice
Quote: Mother in law was sending newspaper clippings of ads 27 years ago when my wife and I lived in So Cal. There is still a lot of cheap property depending on the location. I wish I had some $$ to find a place a little higher up in the foothills. We are down in the flatland amongst the rice fields and mosquitoes.
Mother in law was sending newspaper clippings of ads 27 years ago when my wife and I lived in So Cal. There is still a lot of cheap property depending on the location. I wish I had some $$ to find a place a little higher up in the foothills. We are down in the flatland amongst the rice fields and mosquitoes.

via the Mother In Law LMAO....All im finding so far (for a killer price between $500 up to 8k depending on utilities) is in modoc county and its all online through reputable bbb registered private land owners who have overstock, no banks , owner financed which is great. I guess i should i stop fighting it lol Modoc County here we come. Plus the local code and county ordinances are super relaxed in regards to animals , livestock , ag and RVs

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