Northern Michigan Baby Chick Questions


I'm in MI too. As long as you can keep them at the right temp you can get chicks any time. My youngest are Polish and 3 weeks old. When chilled they go closer to the heat lamp but they spend most the time all over their hutch
The Chickens that MJ suggest are great for winter,
my coop is just insulated no heat, I just have a 100 watt light that come on from 8:00 p.m to 12:00 to put some warmth in the coop, they did just fine, i do the layer bedding system in the winter which seems to help.

though this year I'm getting the heated waterer, its a waterer w/ a heater built in the bottom of it.

I have 3 baby's right now that are about 3 weeks old, and they are out side and always have been i had a silkie go broody, she and the dad silkie have been taking very good care of them, now i have 2 other girls that went broody on the 16th and between the 2 there is 8 eggs, and they will not hatch out until Oct 8th, and i will let the moms take care of them out side,

since you will be getting from a hatchery, just keep it warm in a brooder or a small area until they are about 10 weeks old, not to small to crowd, you will be surprised How hardy they are, and depending how many your getting they will keep each other warm. they more you have the better they will do for the first winter and then you will have eggs next summer. if you wait until spring I would try to get them in March, then atleast by july you will start to get eggs.

Good luck with what every you do and keeps up dated come and visit us on the MICH thread
Rapid City, MI Here

I also am getting a coop up and ready but I have decided to wait for spring to get my babies, I am currently looking for someone in the area who can sell me some yearlings so that I have eggs this winter.

I am not willing to take the chance of putting them in the garage and having them exposed to the cold every time the door is open all day while I wait for clients to come and get there nails done here at the house. I guess there is always the basement but I think my husband would not allow that !

What did you end up doing??

I was having the same problem trying to decide what to do. I went to visit a local hatchery to ask questions and chat, while I was there, I just couldn't resist the chickies! So that night I came home and converted a tuperware tub to a brooder. The next morning, I loaded up the kids and went out to brighton to pick out some chicks. They are in the garage with a 100 watt light bulb and they are doing just fine.


These pics are from the first week I got them: 10/7.
Since then I got a larger tub and I think the new tub should last until they are 8 weeks or so.
I plan on keeping them in the garage until March/April.
I have a dog crate that they will move into when they get even larger.
Hello from Northern Michigan.

Chickens can take the cold just fine. Most of the breeds and crosses are traditional American breeds and they take cold just fine. Actually, insulating can be a negative, if ventilation isn't good and plentiful. Breathing chickens put out a lot of moisture, which in turn can frost their combs. Many successful homesteaders raise chickens in New England, (have for a couple of hundred years) with similar weather to ours. Deep bedding does produce heat, but also methane gas, so again, ventilation is required.

I just got an order of 25 chicks, on September 6th. They are now 6 weeks old, feathered out, and are thriving in an unheated coop. (moved them out this week) These chicks grow fast and will soon require a minimum of 4 square feet per chicken. I couldn't imagine keeping a half dozen chickens in the garage through the winter. We have had and will still have some pleasant Indian Summer type weather. I'd get a coop put together, but that's just me.

True winter won't arrive until December. That's 6 weeks to make ready. Enjoy your chicks!!!
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True winter won't arrive until December. That's 6 weeks to make ready

I only have six chicks. So, I have a question then. My chicks are only a week old tomorrow. Six weeks from now puts me into December - can I put them out from the garage to the coop at 6 weeks in December, or is that too harsh of a transition? The coop we are building is almost done, just a few finishing touches are needed. It will not be heated.
I don't know if it matters, but the breeds I have are Easter Eggers, Rhode Island Red, and Barred Rock.
I would love to not have them in the garage all winter if I don't have to.
It's always easier to raise spring chickens, I guess. Getting chicks any later than Labor Day is a bit of a challenge in the northern climate of MI. That said, your chicks will look like a small version of their adult selves by Thanksgiving. They will be all feathered out. You might tuck the coop up closer to the house or garage this winter, I think, so you could run an exterior-rated extension cord out there. Having electricity will allow you the use of a low- watt heat lamp. 150 watt, maybe??

You could also stack straw bales, like a fort, around three sides to protect against wind chill, leaving the southern exposure open. You'll be amazed how well they will do. Might also be surprised at just how much they poop and why you will want that truly outside, and not in a garage, detached from the house. At 5 weeks, these chicks run, flap, tussle and generally use a lot of space for "exercise". Time to mentally picture 6 adult birds.

They are so much fun. Full of mischief too!!!
I am having a blast so far. I sit and watch them for long periods of time. I find myself thinking about them a lot.
I am so excited about this new hobby of mine. I have been reading this forum and anything I can get my hands on to learn as much as I can.
It is almost scary how much I am enjoying this, and i have only had the little chicky's for a week.
Hey there! I was wondering how the chickens are faring, TC. We are getting our chicks and hens next weekend and wondered how yours weathered the frigid temps of this past winter. We are in Traverse City too! Looking for any advice :)

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