Not a consistent poster, but long time member.


12 Years
Mar 6, 2011
Hi, again. Been keeping small backyard flocks for close to 40 years. For eggs, I say. But mostly I'm just farmer at heart.
Technically... I'm not zoned for chickens, so free-ranging isn't a good idea, but the other rednecks in my semi-rural, Southwest Florida neighborhood believe in live and let live, so...
I have an empty coop at the moment and am trying to decide on my next breed.
Over the years I've kept everything from Leghorns, to Easter-eggers, to, Wyandottes, Orpingtons, Reds... Even a few ducks and a big white goose.
I think I enjoyed the OEGB's the most, but I no longer have the enclosed atrium type setup that they were housed in.
Predators are a problem here in the woods. Especially if the coop door isn't shut at sunset. I think I'll try something big and heavy this time... And push my luck with the neighbors by keeping a rooster.
Shopping is part of the fun. ;)

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