Not babies anymore...first CROW!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
My little brabanters are not babies exactly six weeks we are hearing our first crow! How do I know it's the first...they are still in the living room!

I bet daddy builds the baby coop soon!
There are 25 in many will be crowing by the end of the week???
At this point I am still at a loss as far as sexing Brabanters...this is a step in the right direction. This one happens to have a smaller feather tuft...if one of my big featherheads starts to crow...all is lost.
Mine turned 6 wks yesterday and this morning one of the EE's made a funny squacky noise this morning when I opened the top and they all flew up to greet me.

Only thing is - I think they are all pullets. None have a large comb -just the shortish pinkish slightly redish combs, all have fanning tail feathers, and wing feathers are all growing in straight across - none are longer.

Interested in knowing if the pullets start to squack pre-crow?

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