NOT COCCI!!! Having a bad couple of weeks with two deaths, help me prevent another. UPDATE!!! suspec


9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
Harpers Ferry, WV
I have three 2 month old chicks in a brooder in the garage. They are still under a light and just went off medicated feed a few weeks ago. I have not noticed any blood in the stools.

When I went to clean out their brooder today I noticed the pullet looking ruffled and her head was hanging down, like she was nodding off. She can't seem to keep her head up and she didn't rush to eat or drink when I refilled the food and water.

I am suspecting cocci, but how the heck would she get it? And it pops up now? At two months old when she has never been around any other chickens?

I treated their water and separated her. She is in the house now in a cat kennel. I am dipping her beak in treated water but she doesn't look good.

I recently lost a rooster in my bachelor coop (not sure why) and a lovely hen from sour crop in my main coop. I would like to avoid another death, I am starting to get paranoid. So it sounds like cocci to me. Could it be anything else?

Ruffled feathers
Droopy head like she is nodding off
Pale looking
Crop is empty
No bloody stools that I could see


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Yes they can get coccidiosis even when not exposed to the ground through transfer of cocci on hands or equipment. A breeder said it happened to her with chicks in the house.

If it is coccidiosis with Corid you should see improvement within 24 hours in my experience.

I had to treat my 3 month olds for cocci recently. After the Corid they perked right on up. Signs were diarrhea and lethargy.
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I agree with Chickensaresweet. You have nothing to lose. You don't have to see blood with some types of coccidiosis. When I had a sick one, and put the meds in the water, I dribbled some of that water on the side of the beak in hopes of the bird sucking it in.
Chickens can get cocci at an older age if they were not exposed to it when they were younger. I would treat with Corid. They also do not always show blood in their stools in early stages of cocci infection, it is usual a later sign of the cecal cocci after the intestine has been ulcerated by the protozoa and can, I read, actually be dependent upon the 'species' of cocci.
I have been dipping her beak in water and will try to get some more into her tonight. She looks bad though. Not drinking or eating and her head is falling over. I had dealt with cocci in June with some chicks that were much younger and their heads didn't fall over like hers is right now. Maybe it is different because she is older and bigger? They just were super ruffled and then huddled into themselves and then died or got better.

I seeded the brooder with dirt from the adults with this batch and made sure they had medicated feed. I can't think of anything else other than cocci though.

Keep your fingers crossed. I am hoping she will be alive in the morning but it isn't looking too good right now. Ugh. I hate this part of chicken ownership.
It is NOT cocci! When I went to bed last night her neck seemed really heavy, like she couldn't hold it up.

When I woke up this morning her neck is twisted and she cannot stand or eat and she cried in pain when I twist it back. So wry neck right? I will take a pic to add it just to be sure.
It is NOT cocci! When I went to bed last night her neck seemed really heavy, like she couldn't hold it up.

When I woke up this morning her neck is twisted and she cannot stand or eat and she cried in pain when I twist it back. So wry neck right? I will take a pic to add it just to be sure.
see post #11 and the end of the video is amazing

It could be a vitamin deficiency. Given the new development I'd try giving some vitamins.

There are some diseases that cause twisted neck also-
diagnosis charts at bottom

Also if there is an infection/injury in the brain there can be "wry neck."

I hope she gets better soon!
good luck
Thanks! Two doses of vitamins yesterday and when I woke up her head was up and she was able to feed herself! I will continue vitamins for another week or two but she made a full recovery. So thankful! Not sure I could have handled another death.
Hi. She needs to eat something and drink something. She must be weak. If it were mine, I would be giving a shot of penicillin pronto for 5 days. The shot is better because she's not drinking enough. Until you get the pen., I would be giving her any antibiotic I could find. Sulfadimethoxine is a cocci killer and has antibiotic qualitites as well.

You seeded with dirt. Cocci is possible. Medicated feed is a preventative, but it diesn't work all the time. Treat her for cocci, and an antibiotic. I would.

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