Not enough calcium?


Jun 17, 2016
Pearland, TX
I keep our eggs on the counter and don’t wash them until we eat them. Lately a few start getting these dots on them after a few days. Like they’re absorbing moisture?? Are the shells on the thin side and causing this? Do they need more calcium? Once the eggs start looking spotted are they still ok to eat or should I refrigerate them?
What is the temperature in your house? Texas is probably hot right now, huh? I do not leave eggs out in summertime, too hot at times, then A/C kicks in and it gets prettyy cool. I think it's too much temperature changing going on for eggs. I'd refrigerate them during the summer if I were you. That's what I do. It's 100 degrees here too! I have to add I have no idea what the spots are but I'd take no chances if I were you. Put those eggs in the fridge! :lol:
I don't know, and there's that famous saying "when is doubt, throw it out". How much are two or three eggs worth? Compared to food poisoning?
They probably are okay within a few days of laying, but 100F is pretty hot!
I don't know, and there's that famous saying "when is doubt, throw it out". How much are two or three eggs worth? Compared to food poisoning?
They probably are okay within a few days of laying, but 100F is pretty hot!
Well it never gets that hot in the house. Maybe the spotted ones I’ll feed to the dogs. :p
If their diet is good, and there's oyster shell out there free choice, and the eggs look fine at first, great. you could have a hen with a problem, or everyone is very stressed by the heat! My birds are not pleased with 90F, and their egg production si down this week.
Are those egg shells thinner? Is it one hen only?
It ranges from 74-78 in the house with around 55% humidity. You think if I stick these in the fridge now they’ll still be good to eat?
Not sure, you didn't say how long they have been out. I'd toss the spotted one, and the rest should be ok. The humidity is high and that may be the reason for the spots. Humidity in a fridge is much less. It's up to you. I'd boil some and do a taste, smell & appearance test! Good Luck!
That's a porous egg shell, candling it will tell the tale.
It's probably fine inside, open it up and take a look, sniff.

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