Not going in coop at night

They all get along 🐔🐔🐔🐱🐶🥰


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Then the d.e ceases to work like that. If getting wet is a concern, I wouldn't use ash as it turns caustic when wet.
Just a normal dust bath is enough, usually, to keep pest over load away.
Ok, very interesting. They have dug quite a few holes in the yard. In fact, they are basking and dusting out there right now!
When I was in coastal SoCal, with my last flock, they started sleeping in the coop but then, when the weather was mild enough, they would sleep in the run. I had everything completely predator proofed, and finally gave up trying to get them to go into the coop at night. I had branches in the run they could roost up high in and they really enjoyed that. When the weather got colder at night, they would go back to the coop.
When I was in coastal SoCal, with my last flock, they started sleeping in the coop but then, when the weather was mild enough, they would sleep in the run. I had everything completely predator proofed, and finally gave up trying to get them to go into the coop at night. I had branches in the run they could roost up high in and they really enjoyed that. When the weather got colder at night, they would go back to the coop.
Maybe they just like hanging out on our patio 😆 We are planning on making a run for them on the side of the house soon. Hopefully they will get back then. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Coop is pretty good size.
That coop is 'tiny'. Bet not much ventilation either.
If they've used it just fine for a long time, then there might be a bug problem in there.

We live in Southern California
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That coop is 'tiny'. Bet not much ventilation either.
If they've used it just fine for a long time, then there might be a bug problem in there.

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They really only go in there to eat, sleep, and lay. Well not sleep anymore 🤭 Pretty much have run of backyard 24/7
Plan on making them a run on side of house soon...
They really only go in there to eat, sleep, and lay.
Regardless, they obviously are not comfortable sleeping in there.
And it's too small to retrain them by locking them in.
Part of having plenty of space is options for when problems arise.
How old are they, in months, and how long have they slept in there with no problems?
I would caution you if they are sleeping outside of the secure coop - urban doesn't mean no predators. Lots of things will get your chickens, even in downtown cities. Raccoons, weasels, stray dogs, coyotes, cats (if the birds are small) etc. Protect those sweet ladies! Maybe you might consider building an 'open air' or 'woods' style coop since you have mild weather. There are some great threads on here about those builds and it seems like your girls might love it.

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