Not moving and weak :(


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
New Hampshire
So 2 of 3 of my BO are acting different this morning. One never left the roost. They usually hop down and run around for a minute while I get them some food. The other was already on the floor (1/4 stone sand mix packed) with her head streached out. Her wings were open a little also. I could go right up to her and roll her to see anydamage but nothing. I put her in her nesting box and her head kinda just hung there. She could lift it a little but dropped right back down. The thing that bugs me is she was fine yesterday. They all seem to not hang out in their run when Im not around. I had predator problems, but not anymore. Im new so hopfully this is some change in her life. They are right around 20 weeks. I have 14 birds total. 4 6 week sultans, 3 bo, 1 mix rooster, 2 ss, 2 ee, 2 bb. everyone seems fine.
Just got home. She is alive. 1 more is getting weak. I'm going to start treatment after cleaning the coop. Rain got in one part of the coop. No feed in that area but who knows.
This doesn't sound good. I don't have any advice because I've never experienced this before but I am sending good thought for a speedy recovery you way.

I hope it is nothing serious.

One thing I can think of is how does their poo look? Are they eating and drinking normally?
She seems a little better. I just finished cleaning. I wanted to watch her a bit. I was wondering if she got something from the garden that was bad for her. It is separate from the run, but they could have been fed some. Ill have to research more. The other girl that's sick is a little off balance. She is a little slow to jump to the top roost. The really sick one isnt drinking or eating. Her poo seemed clear with nothing in it and it wasn't a lot. The off balance one seems a little off. I didnt see her drink or eat. I put water in her cage with a little food. I just wasn't expecting this. I lost a lot to coons and hawks...... now this.
So I put the two ladies in the basement for the night to stay warm and so I could keep an eye on them. The one that didn't have any movement is now able to keep her head up and can move her body some. The other one is getting sicker. It seems they are the only two that got sick.

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