Not sure about my eggs?


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2019
These eggs have been now incubating for 8 days in a Janoel incubator, cant see any veins just an orange blob in each one. Not sure if the rooster is doing his job properly? Any advice would be welcome.
At 8 days of incubation at proper temps and humidity, I'd expect to see veining and a dark blob inside; unfortunately, the eggs in the pics look like "clears" to me. There are very helpful photos here that document the stages of development in incubated chicken eggs.

How old is your roo and how many hens does he cover?

Wishing you better luck with your next hatch!
At 8 days of incubation at proper temps and humidity, I'd expect to see veining and a dark blob inside; unfortunately, the eggs in the pics look like "clears" to me. There are very helpful photos here that document the stages of development in incubated chicken eggs.

How old is your roo and how many hens does he cover?

Wishing you better luck with your next hatch!
Thanks for the information, rooster age is unknown, he has 4 hens. Those photos are very useful, thanks again.
Do you have any girls that lay pure white eggs?

When just starting out it sure is nice when you can SEE everything in there.

But I agree with the others... those look like they are probably infertile.

Crack 1 open and look.
Will open one and have a look, a bit disappointing, was hoping for chicks, will try again, thanks
Broke open the eggs, they look like nothing happened!
What to do with the rooster? Is he old enough? How to train him to do the job properly?
I would try giving them higher nutrition for 2 weeks, then collect eggs and try again.

I would feed them some nutritional yeast, chickweed, and anything high in vitamin A (carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin).

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