not sure if something is wrong

kentucky jay

In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 16, 2010
over the last 2 days , i've noticed that some of my birds are pooping soft piles of poo ..... not the typical logs so to speak ......... im feeding them layena pellets , and corn ....treats have included bread, eggs , oats, bacon grease(in my flock blocks) hot dogs , and one time i gave them cream cheese that was wrapped with chicken ....... should i be concered or is it normal for them to have poops like that when they eat certain foods ?
I would skip the hot dogs and bacon grease and keep the bread level low.
Hot dogs/bacon usually contain salty additives and preservatives...if you have barn cats they will love this stuff.
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the hot dogs were a mistake .... my daughter put them in my scraps container and it was too late after i dumped the container into thier dish !!!!!! lol ...guess im chillin with bacon grease !!!!!
our six girls will eat anything
we give them ALL of our leftover edibles even the greasy stuff, but in moderation --- if its too much I'll break it down in smaller portions

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