Not sure if this is where to post, but I need ideas for a untippable waterer that has a small footpr

Peggy O

7 Years
I have a small coop, and am still using the chick size canning jar waterer inside it, at night, and the girls keep tipping it over. I use pine shavings inside the coop and it is quite a mess. Has anyone invented some system that is untippable? Could I just build something to hold it against the wall somehow? I only have 6 birds, so it actually is a good size for inside. we have the big red plastic one from TSC for outside, and they never tip that, but it just wont fit in our small coop. I considered nipple waterers, but I am not sure they would know how to use it, and also have heard they can leak if the hole you drill is too tight. I am not to crafty, plus you have to order a pack of ten nipples. I wish I could just pick up one at TSC or somewhere, but I didn't see them when I was there. Any ideas on a way to secure my jar waterer to a wood wall somehow? Or other suggestions for mess free water? Sick of the wet chips every morning.
For a small footprint I would use a small section of 4" PVC with an end cap and some nipples on the bottom, you can easily strap this to the wall... As far as chickens not figuring it out, they will just give them time and show them, once one figures it out they will all copy and learn... Took me about a whole 10 seconds to get one of my chickens to figure it out as I flicked it with my finger and within about a minute every chicken had figured it out by copying the first...

Doing the nipples is not all that hard, but I understand if you have no 'crafty' skills or tools it can be a little daunting... I could make one for you (as I'm sure others could) but by the time you cover just my out of pocket cost and shipping and say a few bucks labor, it honestly would be cost prohibitive, the shipping alone kind of kills the deal...
We have tools, but I feel like I am going to screw it up. Ha ha. I guess I will give it a shot though. I like the pipe idea. Are there any stores that sell the nipples? I only have seen them on 10 packs. I was considering a soda bottle, pipe would be easier to clean I think. We are making (someday when we get some free time) a pipe feeder too probably. They also spill the jar feeder alot.

So I guess nipples are really the way to go. I feel better hearing they do really figure it out. I thought I would have had to start it when they were little. They're 3 months old now.
Can you just hang it from something? I took our jar waterer and jerry-rigged some garden wire around it and hung it from the top of the dog kennel they were living in. If there is no top - you could lay a stick or board across the top and hang it from that. Hang it at chest height and not only will they not tip it, but they won't get poo and shavings in it.
From my experience you won't get a deal on nipple locally or even at a swap vs buying them online... Consider getting the horizontal (side) mount ones as many consider them superior and I know from experience the chickens will dribble water all over the ground using the vertical (bottom) mount ones and it can make a mess if you don't have good drainage...
I have to say, I bought a hanging waterer - bigger and that means you have to fill it less often. I can go 5-6 days if I'm out of town, but to be kind, I try to put fresh water in there as often as possible. Here is what I have.
Oh wow, I didn't realize there was a difference in vertical and horizontal mount nipples. That's helpful, thanks! I will have the other 1/2 look at ideas for making a pipe one and see if he will do it for me, he is better at this stuff than I am. And I also may check Countrymax and a few pet stores for the nipples locally...if not, then Amazon it is. I could rig up the jar waterer to hang probably till then, oh and we have the large plastic waterer outside in their run, hanging. It's great....but our little coop (and the addition we added to it) has limited space and I have 6 heavy breed space is an issue and every inch counts.
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