Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2



Rooster or hen?
Whoops! Just noticed this thread after I started my own. I'm worried about my Americanua (spelling) possibly being a cockerel.

Hi - I am new the forum and wondered if someone could shed an opinion on if this chick may possibly be a cockerel.

I took home 4 breeds from the local feed store - A Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Americauna and Black Sex Link. I think the one I suspect is a cockerel is the sex link. The solid black is the most shy, and often hides in the back of the group. I sure hope I have 4 pullets, but wondered if anyone could tell. They are about 4-5 weeks old.

Hi - I am new the forum and wondered if someone could shed an opinion on if this chick may possibly be a cockerel.

I took home 4 breeds from the local feed store - A Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Americauna and Black Sex Link. I think the one I suspect is a cockerel is the sex link. The solid black is the most shy, and often hides in the back of the group. I sure hope I have 4 pullets, but wondered if anyone could tell. They are about 4-5 weeks old.

I can't tell you what breed the one in question is, but it's definitely a cockerel. That is a mighty impressive comb (and wattles) for a 4-5 week old.
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Hi - I am new the forum and wondered if someone could shed an opinion on if this chick may possibly be a cockerel.

I took home 4 breeds from the local feed store - A Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Americauna and Black Sex Link. I think the one I suspect is a cockerel is the sex link. The solid black is the most shy, and often hides in the back of the group. I sure hope I have 4 pullets, but wondered if anyone could tell. They are about 4-5 weeks old.

The black one is not a Black sex-link, since it is smaller I think it maybe a bantam of some sort. It is also a definite rooster. Also the Black one with brown around its neck is the Black sex-link, the Orpington is the yellow one, and your "Ameraucana" is most likely an Easter Egger.

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