Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Your Ameraucana is an Easter Egger.

Okay. I hatched him from an egg I got from a guy who claimed they were Ameracuana. These eggs were blue. I also saw photos of his chickens and they appeared to be true Ameracuana to me. What tells you he's an EE instead? Isn't his coloring correct for an Ameracuana?
These are both 7 weeks old, a Barred Rock and a Speckled Sussex. I drove to nearby Estes Hatchery on a hatch day, May 16th, to get them. My previous batch from Estes was accurately sexed. Hopefully these are both pullets. We got there early in the morning and they said they hadn't sexed the SS chicks yet, but they sexed one for me. This SS is much smaller and was much slower to feather than the BR.

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Okay. I hatched him from an egg I got from a guy who claimed they were Ameracuana. These eggs were blue. I also saw photos of his chickens and they appeared to be true Ameracuana to me. What tells you he's an EE instead? Isn't his coloring correct for an Ameracuana?
Nope. Not one of the recognized color varieties, plus his legs are green, which means yellow skin under the slate wash, not white. I'm actually trying to develop a line of Easter Eggers with that coloring, that breed true.
To see examples of all the recognized color varieties of Ameraucana, check out this site.
Nope. Not one of the recognized color varieties, plus his legs are green, which means yellow skin under the slate wash, not white. I'm actually trying to develop a line of Easter Eggers with that coloring, that breed true.
To see examples of all the recognized color varieties of Ameraucana, check out this site.

His legs are more gray than green, but the pic makes it look like they're green. I see what you're saying though. He's an EE. That's okay with me. I was able to see him born in an incubator and raised him so he's still pretty special to me. All of my other chickens are pure breed and I intended to get Ameracuana when I ordered the eggs but it was worth it for the experience and the outcome. I have a beautiful roo and a pretty nice looking female too. Thanks for the info.
I've been told both for this 9.5 week old barred rock. I assumed it was a rooster until others on a local byc page started saying he may be a she. No crowing or eggs yet to confirm.. but wondering what the consensus is on here.



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