Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Silly question, how old does a bird have to be before you can tell sex? I have 6 RIR's that are 2.5 weeks old and I'm pretty sure at least 3 are roo's. Pretty pronounced combs and nasty little attitudes.
Thank You Kinda Farm Gal,
I was hoping chick 2 was a pullet. What a good chick. I will wait a few more weeks and repost. One good thing is that the gal that we got these from said she would take back any roosters that we might have. May I ask what you seen to in chick 2 to determine cockerel. I am really new to this but what a gas so far. Thanks again
Silly question, how old does a bird have to be before you can tell sex? I have 6 RIR's that are 2.5 weeks old and I'm pretty sure at least 3 are roo's. Pretty pronounced combs and nasty little attitudes. 

Depends on the breed and the bird usually. Some can be sexed early around 3 weeks, while others can't be sexes until around 20 weeks. The normal time that birds can be accurately sexes is 8-12 weeks though. :)
Thank You Kinda Farm Gal,
I was hoping chick 2 was a pullet. What a good chick. I will wait a few more weeks and repost. One good thing is that the gal that we got these from said she would take back any roosters that we might have. May I ask what you seen to in chick 2 to determine cockerel. I am really new to this but what a gas so far. Thanks again

I said cockerel because of the size of the comb. However, the picture doesn't show the face too well so another pic showing the profile and a side view of the face would be good. It could be I'm not seeing it right because of the angle.
Hi I posted this a few days ago but didn't get any response. I don't want to be a pain but would appreciate any wise words from some experienced chicken people

I started my own thread but only got 1 reply so might try here instead! I'm new to chickens and have 5 bantam chicks that are 6 weeks old. not sure what sort of bantams they are, but I think they are just mutts lol. So are the cockerals or pullets???









Lunar and Chickaletta
Hi I posted this a few days ago but didn't get any response. I don't want to be a pain but would appreciate any wise words from some experienced chicken people

Sorry no one responded!
I'll try my best at guessing genders. :) And also, I think some of your chickens have Cochin in them and some of them have Silkie.
Penny ~ Cockerel. Probably some Cochin in there.
Speckle ~ Cockerel. Probably some Silkie in there.
Goldeen ~ Not sure. I think pullet, but the coloring is sorta throwing me off. Can't see if he/she has feathered legs, but if they do most likely Cochin mix.
Lunar ~ Pullet...? Cochin mix, may be purebred since she has yellow legs.
Chickletta ~ Pullet. Cochin mix, not purebred since she has green legs.

It's not a great photo but the red one in the centre of the picture looks to be a cockerel from the darker red patches on the wings. I would say that the gold/partridge coloured bird furthest away is a pullet. Will take your word on the barred one being a cockerel, as you can't make any detail of it out on that photo

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