Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I have 5 Barnevelder chicks and am curious about what sex they are. My first time hatching chicks, so pretty exciting. Not the best photos sorry
Hatched from a couple of friends eggs. I have no idea of breeds - exactly 5 weeks old in the pics I know for sure (i think) about one he got his red comb early!!! I'm not sure about the rest as I have no idea on breeds and what they should look like. What do you think pullet or not.... THANKS!!!

At this age anything with a pink or red comb is pretty likely to be male. No 4 is clearly not shy about being a little boy and showing it, but don't be fooled into hoping he is the only one.

It's still early to be sure, but Nos 1, 2 and 7 are almost certainly also cockerels and I have my doubts about No. 5 as well.


Thank you!! Yeah I was HOPING for all pullets... lol but I know better especially since I hatched them myself. #3 was the first to hatch and the biggest and the one my son claimed as his... so I was bummed when it stayed HUGE however I think she is a she :) so her name is BIG BIRD. #8 was the last to hatch and was tiny and still smaller than the rest. Then to my surprise I got a curly one.... I was really hoping it was a girl.....

I'll post pics again in a couple weeks :)

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