Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

So basically establish myself as pack leader with him and make it clear I'm the alpha chicken?

Don't physically "boss" him, but don't let him push you around either. Correction for wrongful behavior is picking up he rooster and holding him till he calms down.
I bought 5 chicks 3 months back at a feed store....i picked a variety of different breeds, including a "Cuckoo Maran" and they were all sold as pullets. Im nearly 100% sure all of them are pullets. But I have my doubts on Pepper, the so called see, pepper, is developing a rose comb. And marans dont have rose combs, right? Im thinking Dominique. And im also not sure if pepper is a she. Pepper is very friendly...Advice appreciated thanks!



Dominique pullet

have 4 pullets that are around 8 weeks old. 2 EEs and 2 RIR) I believe I may have a Roo out of the bunch(which sucks) I was wanting all hens. Anyway! What do you all think? She(he) is the biggest of at 4 and this one is an EE.


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