Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I have 14 chicks that are 5 weeks old. They sent me an extra easter egger. I've started noticing that he/she acts and looks a little different. I didn't order one but would be happy to have a rooster ;-) it has 3 distinct rows on the comb and it's a reddish color. Red is also on the body. What do you think??
can't see that well... got more pics? How old?
no picture



8weeks old, Rhode Island reds

have 4 pullets that are around 8 weeks old. 2 EEs and 2 RIR) I believe I may have a Roo out of the bunch(which sucks) I was wanting all hens. Anyway! What do you all think? She(he) is the biggest of at 4 and this one is an EE.

And what about this one? Thanks yall!!

Agree, both cockerels.

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