Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Thank you. I did update the pics on my post so hopes those pictures help. I am hoping she isn't a roo because we want to keep her & have 10 chickens, one of which is a big barred rock roo a week older. I put food and water in the coop just for her where she likes to hid. We ordered 7 sex links from the local family owned feed store and ended up with 5 sex links, this one and a yellow fluffy bantam with furry legs. Was surprised for sure with her fluffy cheeks but she is a sweet bird!
Hello, I have what I think is an Aracauna that is about 9wks old. I'm trying to find out if she is a rooster or just at the bottom of the pecking order because she hides in the coop from the other chicks all around the same age except for 3 that are a wk older (one of those 3 is a roo & starting to crow) so unsure if she is a roo hiding from him or like I think bottom of pecking order thank you .

Despite the reddish comb and the dark wing patches, it looks like a pullet to me. Slender legs, the patches look gold rather than rooster red, and the comb is still on the small side. I'm voting pullet, but we'll see what others think.
Hello! I am really new to keeping chickens!! I got three buffs from a farm that were supposed to be females and one straight-run silver partridge chick from a breeder. The buffs are about 9 weeks and the silver partridge is between 7 and 8 weeks old. I think I may have ended up with two roos and two pullets...Even as a newbie I'm pretty sure the silver partridge is a cockerel, but I'm just not sure about the buffs. Can you help me figure out what I actually have?

The silver partridge on the left looks like a cockerel to me, and the two buffs on the right look like pullets. Not sure about the buff closest to the camera.

Here's another photo of one of what I believe is a pullet (on the left), the silver partridge in the middle, and the one I'm not sure about on the right. Hopefully it's a pullet? I don't have a big enough flock for two roos!
Hello! I am really new to keeping chickens!! I got three buffs from a farm that were supposed to be females and one straight-run silver partridge chick from a breeder. The buffs are about 9 weeks and the silver partridge is between 7 and 8 weeks old. I think I may have ended up with two roos and two pullets...Even as a newbie I'm pretty sure the silver partridge is a cockerel, but I'm just not sure about the buffs. Can you help me figure out what I actually have?

The silver partridge on the left looks like a cockerel to me, and the two buffs on the right look like pullets. Not sure about the buff closest to the camera.

Here's another photo of one of what I believe is a pullet (on the left), the silver partridge in the middle, and the one I'm not sure about on the right. Hopefully it's a pullet? I don't have a big enough flock for two roos!

Welcome to BYC!
The partridge bird is a cockerel, and probably the buff Orp as well. A side view of the body would help, as the males usually get a darker color across the upper wings. Also, check for the development of wattles. I can't see from the pics. Cockerels get wattles before pullets also.
Welcome to BYC!   :frow      The partridge bird is a cockerel, and probably the buff Orp as well.  A side view of the body would help, as the males usually get a darker color across the upper wings.  Also, check for the development of wattles. I can't see from the pics.  Cockerels get wattles before pullets also.
Thanks for replying so quickly! I will try to get a side pic of the buff...they tend to assume I have treats and go nuts when I'm near the coop :)

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