Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

i'm stumped on this one





5-6 weeks barred rock, has dark color on legs and is darker in color but the comb! Not sure

The leg staining and color points to pullet . However thats a large red comb for a pullet. Here are my barred Rock pullets hatched April 11th. See the comb size and color.mine are older and have lighter smaller combs. Yours is tricky but because of the leg color and body color my guess is pullet but i could be wrong because of that large dark comb for its age.
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Can you give me tips or a link to them on telling the gender of chick's please, I can't find any.
I have 31/2 week old chicks and I'm anxious to try and figure out what they are because I'm impatient lol
Thank you
Can you give me tips or a link to them on telling the gender of chick's please, I can't find any.
I have 31/2 week old chicks and I'm anxious to try and figure out what they are because I'm impatient lol
Thank you
Most early signs of cockerels aren't really visible until about 6 to 8 weeks of age. Some breeds can be sexed a bit earlier, by coloring.
Can you give me tips or a link to them on telling the gender of chick's please, I can't find any.
I have 31/2 week old chicks and I'm anxious to try and figure out what they are because I'm impatient lol
Thank you

Not sure about other breeds but my wyandottes and polish bantams were really easy to sex. Both had darkening of their comb and started getting wattles around 4 weeks. My easter eggers were much harder. I thought roo for sure but she is in fact a hen. The wyandottes so far have been the easiest to sex. :)

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