Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

After a internet search I'm beginning to believe my precious little chick is a red broiler. I will post another photo in daylight hoping you more knowledgeable folks will prove me wrong. If it is true really not happy.... I paid for a buff orphinton pullet and if I'm right I have a Red broiler rooster.... Well fingers crossed I'm wrong :fl
Going to research red broiler in cases.

Definitely not a Buff Orpington with those yellow legs. :) I agree, he/she does look like a Red Ranger/Red Broiler, but there are so many "red colored" birds, it's hard to tell right now. What makes you think it's a he though? He doesn't look very much like a cockerel to me right now. It's possible she/he is a ISA Brown pullet. :)



These are some of my mix breed chicks about 10 weeks from what i can figure. Any thoughts on genders? Apologies for the photos they aren't a fan of photos

I'm going to go with all cockerels. The only one that might be a pullet is the third one, but he's got some pretty crazy tail feathers!


After a internet search I'm beginning to believe my precious little chick is a red broiler. I will post another photo in daylight hoping you more knowledgeable folks will prove me wrong. If it is true really not happy.... I paid for a buff orphinton pullet and if I'm right I have a Red broiler rooster.... Well fingers crossed I'm wrong :fl
Going to research red broiler in cases.

Sometimes it does a silent crowing like action...otherwise it has almost a song bird voice beautiful to hear.
To be honest the comb is still very pale pink but he/she has wattles at 4-5 weeks. Thought only males developed wattles this young.
[/SIZE]Honest to God I don't know why I need to know what breed or sex because I am keeping it all the same. But I feel driven to find out. This is what has been suggested across the forums. 1. Red Broiler 2. New Hampshire Red 3. Red sex link 4. Isa Brown . Like I said I seem to be driven to find out. This is what I know about her/him. Very docile I had to rescue her from the brooder but also very social. Gordo whistles at me when she sees me and cuddles when I have the time , grew very fast at first but it's growth has leveled out. Feathers are coming in soft and fluffy like my Brahma and Cochin.... Lol
The frustration of not knowing. :he
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Sometimes it does a silent crowing like action...otherwise it has almost a song bird voice beautiful to hear.
To be honest the comb is still very pale pink but he/she has wattles at 4-5 weeks. Thought only males developed wattles this young.
[/SIZE]Honest to God I don't know why I need to know what breed or sex because I am keeping it all the same. But I feel driven to find out. This is what has been suggested across the forums. 1. Red Broiler 2. New Hampshire Red 3. Red sex link 4. Isa Brown . Like I said I seem to be driven to find out. This is what I know about her/him. Very docile I had to rescue her from the brooder but also very social. Gordo whistles at me when she sees me and cuddles when I have the time , grew very fast at first but it's growth has leveled out. Feathers are coming in soft and fluffy like my Brahma and Cochin.... Lol
The frustration of not knowing. :he[/QUOTE]

Well, she/he might be a stumper then! But I'm not seeing many cockerel traits, which is good. :) I know what it's like to want to find out what your bird is! I've had that feeling before. :D I can at least say that ISA Browns and Red Sex Links are the same thing. Best of luck!

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