Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

These are my 4 week old babies. Hoping someone can help determine their sex?
Golden Laced Wyandotte (thinking roo?)


Plymouth Rock (stumped!)

I've been trying to get audio of it, but it's really hit or miss. It doesn't happen every day. And when it does, it's only usually a couple crows and then it's done and over with about the time I hit the record button. It's like they know I'm about to record them so They stop. And I still haven't been able to get out there and see who's doing it either. As soon as they see me at the back door they stop and just want treats or to be let out. So frustrating. lol. The odd thing is, my neighbor has full size hens and I can hear their super loud egg song from my house and the crow from my bantams is quieter than the neighbors hens. Are bantams generally quieter than full size? Or are confused crowing hens quieter than the typical rooster?

Bantams are always going to be quieter than full size because the lung capacity isn't the same. A hen that actually crows is going to be quieter than a crowing rooster because they aren't really designed to crow.

First is too young, post pictures again in a few weeks. Second is cockerel.
It's a silkie/Cochin mix. Do pullets typically get a big comb like that? It's way bigger than the other two I have with that type of comb. That's what's really throwing me off. Along with the random crows I hear every so often.

Pullets can have very big combs and wattles when they're getting ready to lay, my little hen practically has a helmet when in lay!
Thank you guys so much! That picture of the hen with the huge comb really helped ease my mind. Lol. Such a weird situation to be in with a crowing hen... making me paranoid I guess!
My mystery EE "pullet" is now a few weeks older (still don't know exactly how old so 11 weeks?) and starting to get red in the comb. She's mildly aggressive to the other pullet and raises her hackles and jumps at her when they get excited.




I'm still reaaaaaaaally hoping she's not a he.
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My mystery EE "pullet" is now a few weeks older (still don't know exactly how old so 11 weeks?) and starting to get red in the comb. She's mildly aggressive to the other pullet and raises her hackles and jumps at her when they get excited.




I'm still reaaaaaaaally hoping she's not a he.
still saying she's a Pullet

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