
Grey Gables

Dec 30, 2019

My 5 month old RIR has not been herself the last few hours. I went to let my chickens out of their run and everyone excitedly ran out. She did not, which is very unusual. She eventually slowly walked out toward the others. She kept stopping and standing still for lengths of time. High was 84 today and quite a bit cooler than it has been over the last several weeks.

I’ve given her some water with electrolytes. She’s kind of eating? She will occasionally peck at something. She ate a few blueberries (her fav) but not with her usually appetite. Over the last hour I’ve noticed her standing still and closing her eyes (to rest? In pain?).

Does this sound like anything obvious to anyone? Is it just dehydration? I’ve done my best to examine her and can’t find anything that seems wrong. Any ideas, tips, info would be appreciated. I do have access to a vet who will see chickens but I don’t know if this is serious enough for an after hours emergency call?

Thanks in advance!

In case it’s helpful...
she lives in a covered run with sand. Access to plain water and water with electrolytes. Has access to oyster shells all day. Gets several hours of free ranging while we’re outside

Has been having runny poops today. She just pooped on my chair so I’ll include a photo.


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Hi just because that sort of sound like a nine year old I had I would check her for lice or mites. Under her wings would be the best place to check. Is she paler then usual? Talking at all?
Thanks! I will check now.
She may be a teensy bit more pale than usual? But mostly it’s just the way she’s acting that’s concerning.

I don’t know if this could be linked but she did pass a soft shell egg this morning with her poop. Since she started laying, Shes only had one or two soft shell eggs at the beginning, otherwise has been a pretty consistent layer.
5 month old
slowly walked
She kept stopping and standing still for lengths of time.
she did pass a soft shell egg this morning with her poop
Her crop is rather squishy
Check her crop in the morning before she eats/drinks - if it's not empty, then start treating her for crop issues.

Was the soft shell egg intact? I would look at her vent to see if she's got a discharge as well.
Check her crop in the morning before she eats/drinks - if it's not empty, then start treating her for crop issues.

Was the soft shell egg intact? I would look at her vent to see if she's got a discharge as well.
Thank you! Will definitely check her crop in the morning.
The soft shell was broken and kinda shriveled up. I assumed the entire thing came out but I guess I have no way of knowing. I did inspect her vent earlier this evening and saw no discharge. I’ll certainly keep an eye on it though.
Thank you! Will definitely check her crop in the morning.
The soft shell was broken and kinda shriveled up. I assumed the entire thing came out but I guess I have no way of knowing. I did inspect her vent earlier this evening and saw no discharge. I’ll certainly keep an eye on it though.
Let us know how she is in the morning.

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