Not sure what else to do for hen

Sorry for your loss. When I lose a hen, although it is not easy, I like to open the abdominal cavity briefly to have a look at the major organs, liver, intestines, oviduct, etc. If you do this, take pictures to post here, and note if there is any yellow fluid when opening the belly. Here is a necropsy video where the organs are labeled:

We already buried her. :/ this one was hard because she was such a sweet girl. We were thrown off a little because she was eating and drinking still, and was improving a little each day for about a week. She was eating a lot, like I was worried how much she was eating, but I figured eating was better than not eating. The other day I checked on her and she was ok, and then maybe a little more than an hour later I found her on her side breathing with her mouth open and I knew that was it.

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