Not sure what is wrong with hen.....thought egg bound?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
I have a hen that I treated for everything under the sun. Nothing is improving her condition. Her symptoms are a shriveled up comb and she stands around with her neck tucked in. She's been like this for several months. She's not getting worse....but not better. I examined her abdomen and it feels like on her left side there is a hard lump. But its not anywhere an egg should be. Could this be a tumor? She eats but very little. She definitely has something wrong with her but I have exhausted all means of helping her. Any new suggestions?
I have a hen that I treated for everything under the sun. Nothing is improving her condition. Her symptoms are a shriveled up comb and she stands around with her neck tucked in. She's been like this for several months. She's not getting worse....but not better. I examined her abdomen and it feels like on her left side there is a hard lump. But its not anywhere an egg should be. Could this be a tumor? She eats but very little. She definitely has something wrong with her but I have exhausted all means of helping her. Any new suggestions?
Have you checked her crop? Is a it hard, soft, or squishy like a water balloon
My friend said "It could very possibly be a tumour the only way to tell for sure is with an xray Other than that she could be laying internally would still need x-ray if little one has been suffering so long time to see a vet "
She ended up passing away. I was just getting ready to contact my vet to see about getting an X-ray. She was doing so well up until the last couple of days. Thanks so much for your responses!!!

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