Not sure where to ask this question regarding a plant. Not sure if it is toxic to a chicken?


Oct 24, 2014

I have a Mandavilla Dipladenia Tropical Vine that I brought in till spring so it did not freeze and die.

But need to know if it is toxic to a chicken? I have an in house silkie hen.

Should I will put it where she can't get to it?

Thanks, I google the question but only found info for other pets not chickens. So rather be safe than sorry..
Chickens can usually eat a lot of things that would be toxic to people or other animals. For example, my flock goes nuts when pokeweed starts coming up in the spring/summer and it is poisonous to people when raw.
However, if you cannot be certain, I would play it on the safe side and just keep it out of her reach. It is toxic to other animals, so unless you can find something that definitely says it is ok, just play it safe. There are tons of other plants and herbs you can grow in pots indoors for your house hen to snack on though.

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