Not Sure where to Place My Question!

Yeah, I'd say so...
Production Reds are normally skinny, small, dull or pale red, and with a very pointed or small tail.

Rhode Island Reds are large, dark, almost blackened but shiny red, brick-like in shape, with a very level, horizontal back that goes straight into the tail.

That's how I know to tell them apart.

Oh and RIR's live a lot longer than Prod. Reds.
Good answer above.

Go to the Breeds, genetics and showing section and find the heritage Rhode Island red thread. There'll be lots of pics of good, quality RIR birds, to let you know what they should look like.

The color is a big clue, Rhode Islands should be a mahogany color. Production reds are what I call generic red, a much lighter shade. Production reds are often mixed with leghorn blood, so they're lighter, thinner built and can have floppy combs. I don't think a true RIR should have a comb that flops. They're also built like a brick, very rectangular, not narrow like a production bird.
The true bred Rhode Island Red, an heirloom bird, will have deep mahogony feathering, shimmering. The legs will be marked with deep reddish brown "horn" or tracks of coloration on the yellow legs. These are tell tale markings, as well as the rich, dark horned beak.

But there is more to a Red than merely the color. The body must have the classic "brick" shape. The body should be long and look like a rectangle or red brick turned sideways. It is a very distinct feature of the breed and quite missing from production reds.

Is there any real way to distinguish a Rhode Island Red from a production red?
Its pretty easy to tell a real Rhode Island Red from a production red once the birds grow in some adult feathers and get older. Rhode Island Reds will have nice thick, brick-shaped bodies and deep mahogany coloring. Their tails should be well-spread, and their combs should be straight and well-sized. On the other hand, production reds are smaller, lighter weight birds. Their tails are triangular in shape, and their combs may flop and be over-large. Production reds just won't have the same solid, dark appearance as a good-quality Rhode Island Red.
Anyone near sanford nc? I'm looking to trade two of my redstar broody hens out for jg's or some nice looking large breed mixes like with dalmatian spots lol

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