Not sure where to post. Any and all help!!


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2015
Hi all. Still new here, so I'll try to give you the short version of my trials so far. Babies are almost 4 weeks old. I have to live stock water tanks. 14 in one, and 13 in the other. Temp has been kept correct throughout and now maintaining a 70-75 at all times. Started them on non medicated food. 3 days old, pasty butt on four of them. Maybe 5. Bedding is wood shavings. Pens, waterers, and feeders cleaned twice daily. Pasty butt under control in about a week and a half, during which time I switched to a med feed.Then started noticing runny poops. No blood, just not firm like most others. After about the start of week two, maybe sooner, I notice one of them has scissor beak. But eats and drinks like a true champ. Until this last week, in which I notice some of the birds seem to be breathing a bit harder while roosting, than the others. I am now going to start a third pen, in worry that overcrowding is seeming to be apparent. They have started challenging each other (some, not all), and I figure this is somewhat natural.....or is it? They ALL likes plucking the baby fuzz off each other, but not to the point of injury..(although some liked voicing their opinion with vigor). So now I was told ny the hatchery to med their water with sulfur for 7 days. Its been 24 hours and still seeing some of the runny poops. And the labored breathing in some. And quite a bit of what I may think is non-happy chirping from that second pen mostly but not exclusive. Got a combination of sounds going on, but Im not fluent in chicken yet to fully decipher whats being conveyed at all times. The outside pen is almost complete, and looking awesome....but I wont put them out until I know everyone is up to par. If anyone has seen my prior posts, you can see I have SilverLace, Welsummers, Black Giants, Buff Bantams, and New Hamps. Just trying to give you any and all info, so I can get best suggestions.Im already nervous as heck to introduce them to the outside world, and dont thinknows the time for sure. I had planned to introduce them in a grassy area starting at an hour, then after a few days of that, increasing their contained outside frolicking.I SO want them to be in the sun, fresh air, and 70's temps. BUT WHATS WRONG WITH THEM? Im sad for them. I dont wanna over med, over clean, over stress them. Whats my best course of action next. If you have any additional q's....PLZ feel free to ask. Ive already wrote have a novel here, and this is the short version ....Well, I tried anyway. LOL. I dont know what to do. Look forward to hearing from those who understand and can help. Thanks so much in advance. Lisa
I really wish I could help you... But I'm a newbie so I cannot... I hope someone helps you out soon!!! Sending love and support your way!!!
Thanks so much. Really suprised I havent heard from anyone else. Maybe I didnt post it in the right place. Love the Doxie pic!! I'll keep you posted. Thankx again. Lisa
Im new to this also. What breed and where did you get the birds from? im thinking more room would be a good first start. Do they drink much?
I have Jersey Giants, Buff Bantams, Welsummers, Silverlace, and New Hampshires. Also have an established flock of Rhode Island Reds who free range during the day, and coop at night when weather is nice. Great producers. The babies are drinking a quart and a half of now treated sulfa water daily. That hasn't changed. Moving some to a new pen inside where they have been today, so the pens will be 9 babies each. The new outdoor coop will be ready today, however, I am against moving them out there until I know whats going on with them. The coop outdoor structure is just for the babies and is more than big enough for all plus. The RI Reds already have their own coop. Will update with pictures later today.
Just wondering if you got some sickly stock to start with? Sounds like you know your way around chickens.
I hope they snap out of it for you.
Thanks so much. Really suprised I havent heard from anyone else. Maybe I didnt post it in the right place. Love the Doxie pic!! I'll keep you posted. Thankx again. Lisa
No probs!!!:) Yeah, me too... Maybe try in health problems??? Awwww, thanks!!! His name is Oscar.:) Okay, thanks!!!
Good morning all. I had been posting in three different categories as I was desperate. But Im trying to do an update. I hope all areas can read. By popular advise to move the birds out didnt happen. My pen floor was still damp. It is much drier this morning and ready for the shavings. Now they are talking 30 degrees friday. I have two heat lamps and will make every effort to keep enclosure at at least 55-60, but right under the lamp, Id say huddled up they'll be ok. I do worry about little scissor beak. Been assisting feeding her/him. Yesterday I fed tiny amounts of grapes but this is one thing the bird could achieve. Manages to eat and drink, but I hand helped with the grape treat. This baby, is obviously smaller than the others, but has such a heart of gold, I have been to weak to cull, as some people would have. And I didn't notice it in my 27 babies until about the second week. How I could have missed it until then, I dont know. Does anyone in Missouri know of ant rescues or Sanctuaries? So this morning I am going to the new enclosure to rake, rake some more and re-rake the pen floor, put down the wood chips, put lights, water and feed in place and start moving babies.This is last day I'm doing the sulfa water and will wait one day, and do 2 days of the probiotic in the water. Doing half med feed still but switching over to regular ultimately.Everyone have a great day, and pictures to follow. Thank you all once again. Lisa
[COLOR=333333]Good morning all. I had been posting in three different categories as I was desperate. But Im trying to do an update. I hope all areas can read. By popular advise to move the birds out didnt happen. My pen floor was still damp. It is much drier this morning and ready for the shavings. Now they are talking 30 degrees friday. I have two heat lamps and will make every effort to keep enclosure at at least 55-60, but right under the lamp, Id say huddled up they'll be ok. I do worry about little scissor beak. Been assisting feeding her/him. Yesterday I fed tiny amounts of grapes but this is one thing the bird could achieve. Manages to eat and drink, but I hand helped with the grape treat. This baby, is obviously smaller than the others, but has such a heart of gold, I have been to weak to cull, as some people would have. And I didn't notice it in my 27 babies until about the second week. How I could have missed it until then, I dont know. Does anyone in Missouri know of ant rescues or Sanctuaries? So this morning I am going to the new enclosure to rake, rake some more and re-rake the pen floor, put down the wood chips, put lights, water and feed in place and start moving babies.This is last day I'm doing the sulfa water and will wait one day, and do 2 days of the probiotic in the water. Doing half med feed still but switching over to regular ultimately.Everyone have a great day, and pictures to follow. Thank you all once again. Lisa[/COLOR]

Post a picture of the poop that is concerning you.
Watch the chicks to see if one is acting listless. Tail and head drooping, wobbly on its feet, staying away from others, not reacting or reacting slowly if you put your hand in. If the chick is sleeping, make sure it is actually wide awake when you assess behavior.

Chickens do make different types of poop throughout the day. Somewhat runny can be normal, and the runny poo may not be from just a single chick, but a single runny poop from each chick.

That link is to the poop chart. Make a bookmark...I promise you will refer to it again!

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