Not to sound like a broken record...


8 Years
Feb 17, 2011
South East TN
But WHY are my hens not laying? I read the article at the top, and none of the three reasons it lists seem to fit. It costs me $30 a month to feed them and we average 3 eggs a day. So I'm paying $26 more dollars to feed my hens than it would just cost me to buy eggs at the store.

I have
2 Production Red (Feb hatch)
3 Sex Links (Feb Hatch)
2 Australorp (Feb hatch)
2 Barred Rocks (Feb hatch)
2 Buff Orpington (Feb hatch)
4 Easter eggers (April hatch)

and a bantam rooster

From July to Sep everyone laid great. No complaints.

Like I said THREE eggs a day is a great day. Today it was just one. They are nice, big solid eggs but it just seems like there should be more laying. Most molted in late Sep/early Oct. Everyone looks "normal" again now, no more naked necks. No feathers laying around.

We have a light on a timer that comes on at 4:30am. I know they are getting up because I hear the rooster crowing after that.

They have fresh water, and Layena at all times.

I have inspected poop countless times for sign.

They are in a coop/run to I'm positive they are not hiding eggs. Nobody appears to be broody at all.

I'm going to have to decrease my numbers again if we can't get them laying soon, even to just get 6 a day out of the 15 would make me so happy and would be enough for my family. Already had to let 6 go to save on feed.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?
I have. I've checked at night, and just generally looking over them in the daytime as well. Nobody is doing any scratching or anything like that either. I'm so stumped!!
Depending on the time of sunset there you might only be giving them 12.5 hour days. Set your timer to come on 14 hours before sunset, or extend the light in the evening if am crowing is an issue.
Are their combs bright red after the molt? If not, the molt may not be over. Try adding some BOSS to increase protein. Some hens take a longer molt. It would help if you could identify the ones who are actually laying. The EEs may not have begun laying at all yet.
Are you sure they arent into egg-eating?
My 10 year old daughter checks atleast 5 times a day, so I really really doubt anyone is eating any.

I would assume that none of the EE's are laying yet, because there are no green eggs. I don't think its the BO either as these are darker brown eggs. So, its some of the Feb ones.

Yes, their combs look "normal" nice and red.

I will get some BOSS the next time I get feed them. How much should I give in ratio to what they already eat?

Originally I had the timer coming on at 6am, off at sunrise. Coming back on again at sunset and staying on until 8pm but several people told me not to do the evening light, and just extend the morning one so that's what I did. I'm confused. Should I use night light too or just the morning one? Crowing is not really an issue I guess. We don't really have any neighbors.
My light goes on just before 6AM and off just before 8PM.

Still, I'm only getting 5 to 9 eggs. I'm disappointed as well. I have 20 hens and all are of laying age.

I do have four hens that are ready for retirement and I should be letting go of them... and I have one broody on golf balls... I'll be giving her chicks in two weeks.
I've had a flock for 4 years and mine NEVER lay in winter
. I've read here they lay year-round, but mine never have
. I've had a range of hens from standards to bantams, great layers and poor layers, and I am lucky to get 3 eggs a day from Nov-March. No amount of light, free ranging, extra nutrients or anything helps, they just go on hyatis. I finally gave up and admit defeat and wait til March. Good luck!

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