not using nesting boxes


In the Brooder
May 20, 2015
We have 12 red sex link pullets just over 16 weeks of age and we have been finding the first few (albeit small) eggs within the last few days. We have straw in the nesting boxes with 2 golf balls in each. Instead of using the boxes they have been choosing the lay in random nooks and crannys in the coop. Love the eggs but not the hunt for them. Any idea on how to correct?
What bedding if any there where they lay? You could remove bedding on the coop floor, use that type in the boxes, maybe opt for sand on the floor for a while? How many boxes? Maybe try shavings or grass hay in one? Is the box more dark and private than the nooks and crannies? I would block off the spots they are using. "upside down bowl etc. Best of luck! Keep us posted.
We have wood chips on top of a dirt floor in the coop. 4 boxes, a 2x2 pattern. The nooks seem just as dark as the boxes but the chickens might disagree. I will try blocking off their favorite spot this evening.
We have wood chips on top of a dirt floor in the coop. 4 boxes, a 2x2 pattern. The nooks seem just as dark as the boxes but the chickens might disagree. I will try blocking off their favorite spot this evening.
Could you put some of those wood chips in a couple boxes? Clear all chips from dark corners? I also just thought do you have a landing board or something on the front of the box? That helps them have a look see before they enter to be sure it's safe. It also helps when they all start laying (usually in the same boxes) to avoid broken eggs from jumping right in. We'll wait to hear success tomorrow!
Are there perches in front of the nests for easy access?
They like to take a look-see before entering.
I would leave one nest empty of the fake eggs. I had a couple pullets who didn't like the fake eggs at first.

Otherwise just give them time, if they lay on the floor just put a bucket or something in that place to make them find another-hopefully an intended nest.

It can take up to a month or so for things to smooth out.
I did not have eggs this morning, will check again at lunch. I blocked off the nook the hen was using, which was between the feed tub and nesting boxes (where brick is). We will see. Here is a picture of what we have.

Those look pretty good, the lower ones might need a step(another cinderblock or two).

Have they been inspecting them at all?
Maybe put one bird in there if you can do it without her freaking out too much.
Put her in and hold here there as calmly as possible for a few minutes until she calms a bit, then let her out, she may go back to investigate.
I'd take the nesting boxes you have and put it on the floor; take it off the blocks. Chickens like dark, hidden places to lay which currently is better under your nests.

No worries though your nests look good. They'll get the right place in no time.
After a few days of trying to shore off their favorite place of laying I finally found an egg in one of the boxes this morning. I did remove the cinder blocks so the boxes now rest on the ground. Found a nice, small pullet egg in a nest. Just one pullet of 12 laying an egg daily so hopefully the rest will take notes and cooperate when they begin laying.

Thanks for the advice.

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