Not what you want to come home to (long) blood results post #67

Wow! Nugget is definitely the coolest (I knew it from other posts, but this confimrs it). So Glad he is OK. Please, of course, keep us posted as to what happened.

Cetawin - I love your story too and I think that is what canine companions are for. My parents' dog was accused of "attacking" and "biting" a guy who let himself into the side yard when no one was home. It was the pool guy and he claims he was there to work on the pool, but it was not his usual day and the place was locked so he had to let himself into the yard. I think he was up to no good. The law took their dog to quarantine and kept her for a few days and realized that she was no harm to anyone and gave her back. But, they said if she ever hurt anyone again, even an intruder, my parents could GO TO JAIL. How sick is that? And then, when she was falsely accused of killing a neighbor's cat (she didn't but she would have loved to) a year later, they took her and euthanized her. We were all devastated. That was in California.

Did you know that in Boulder, CO, they are trying to pass a law that a dog can be taken away and euthanized and the owners can be held legally responsible if the dog bites anyone, including an intruder or other human attacker? Sick. Sick. Sick.
Wow, I just came across this thread. How horrifying that must have been to come home to that. Poor Nugget. But oh, so glad he got whatever it was and got it good. Sorry he had to lose a spur and be bleeding and all, and that you had to come home to the horror scene.
It's scary to think it might have been human. On the other hand, if it was a human, HA HA- serves him right for messin with the Nuggetron!!!
Hang pictures of the blood on your fence with a notice " This is what the last guy who trespassed left behind"
I just found this thread!

That made me laugh out loud!! Maybe someone had to use a pocket knife to cut an embedded spur off so they could get away from the attack rooster.

My imagination would be going wild about now if I were in your shoes!

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