Not what you want to come home to (long) blood results post #67

I have no idea the answer to this so I have to ask... do spurs grow back?
If no, maybe Nugget is safe now that he is a one spur rooster. If yes, I hope they don't come back for him!
Just read the whole thread.... You Go Nugget!!

I also hope that the jerk doesn't come back now that he knows how great Nugget is. I'm glad the cops have taken this so seriously.. many places they wouldn't have.

Please keep us updated and keep Nugget safe.
Whaddya mean, 'we may never know'?

Whoever did it may eventually know that a cop or two is looking for him, but I wonder if he has any clue that a random 20,000-/+ people from around the world are watching for his demise?? Just a thought.
Hope nugget is ok.
I would put up a sign stating that the rooster is micro-chipped. This way, if the whooping this person took wasn't bad enough to keep him away, maybe that will make him think twice.
What a totally horrible thing. I am so sorry Nugget had to go through it, but so happy he drew blood- and lot's of it. I hope the person who did this gets a nice nasty infection.I'd assume they would need a tetnus shot.. at the very least. Maybe some stitches also.
How's the warrior doing? and the rest of the flock? They must have all been terrified...
I have a picture in my head of Nugget flogging the snot out of someone, and the whole crew gathered around cheering him on.
Thats just scary... wow.
LOL,, I don't know, maybe they attacked Nugget, scared Blue into a faint, then while they were laughing Nugget attacked them!

Gotta love team work!

And to the other questions, yes spurs grow back. About our officers, they are all good friends and have called me before when someone tried to steal a couple of my birds. This area is big into animals, we figure horse stealing is still a hanging offense with the closest tree and rope. I am very lucky to have these wonderful friends. There is still illegal cock fighting going on, and my house will be watched very closely now, maybe they'll come back. We got Nugget cleaned up and he's doing good and no sign of infection.

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