Not what you want to come home to (long) blood results post #67

What if it was a UPS delivery or fed ex? Have you checked the adjacent area's for thrown packages?

The butler did it.

or you know, t could have been...

yeah, people hate watching movies with me, too.
Wow. Just WOW. You know, you think that it's possible that a human could have come up and Nugget attacked him, but when you get actual DNA proof, that is just shocking!
I know that someone was joking about microchipping him, but maybe you should really do it? I would go ahead and invest in one of the game cams that everyone is getting. If someone was trying to steal him for cockfighting, they may really want him if he kicked their butt last night!

I would love for you to have a pet psychic talk to him! I bet he has some stories to tell!

Wow, what a story! Glad Nugget is doing fine after his ordeal. Amazing roo!

I know a couple of others have suggested it, and I add my vote to getting him microchipped. If we can do it to a cat, why not a rooster?

And to the other questions, yes spurs grow back. About our officers, they are all good friends and have called me before when someone tried to steal a couple of my birds. This area is big into animals, we figure horse stealing is still a hanging offense with the closest tree and rope. I am very lucky to have these wonderful friends. There is still illegal cock fighting going on, and my house will be watched very closely now, maybe they'll come back. We got Nugget cleaned up and he's doing good and no sign of infection.

Wow, what a beautiful bird! I'm so glad he's doing alright and wasn't seriously injured during this whole ordeal.

Wait... I have an idea!!! You should write a kid series! The adventures of nugget!- The crook who got nuggenated!
The kids would love it!
The micro chip only works if the animal is scanned. It doesn't work like a GPS. If he is stolen, the chip won't help him be located, just ID'd.
The micro chip only works if the animal is scanned. It doesn't work like a GPS. If he is stolen, the chip won't help him be located, just ID'd.

I know, but if he got taken, and was ever stolen and being held in a place where there were similar roos, it would make it easier to ID him and bring him home.
My poor free-roaming Nugget is not a happy camper, for the first time in his life he is in a pen. I put him up with the ladies tonight in the playhouse coop because it has a door I can lock on it. You should have seen the look on the ladies' faces when I put him in there lol. They are all up on the closet bar roost, which of course is way too small for him, and he is perched on an upside down milk crate which looks like it's lost under him. I can leave him in the pen tomorrow too, he is so big and heavy he can't go over the 5 foot fence without a lot of effort he doesn't like to put in. I don't know what the girls are going to think about that, but it's for his own good for now. My parents are watching my yard like hawks, the law is doing drive-bys regularly, and the State Police are trying to come up with an idea to catch this group of illegal cock-fighters and they think they are going to use Nugget for bait??? hah! I don't think they would try again if indeed that is who it was. I still think it might have been someone intent on breaking in the front windows or something which are right over his roost and they scared him.
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We have horrid cock fighting issues in the town 17 miles down the road...that is why I hope I don't have a rooster, because how could you KNOW it's going to a good home...

I would micro-chip if you can, because IF it is cock fighters and they get busted, all the chicks go to human society or some other 'foster home' or killed...and if he's chipped he'd at least have a better chance of finding his way home and it's only like $50 ~ well worth it for a beloved pet IMHO!!!

Should of mentioned human society and other orgs and vets offices will always scan animals when they come in....I have my dog checked at her annual vet check to make sure it's still scanning well and it is (9+ years later)
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