Not what you want to come home to (long) blood results post #67

Just got the results, I didn't think we'd get them this fast, but when the deputy explained the circumstances and showed the tech the pictures, they expedited the results.
The blood on the gate was human, and the blood on the tent was human too. The blood on the table, wooden box, and most of it on the concrete was Nugget's. Some of the blood on the concrete was human, but not much.
I would love to read that roos mind and see what happened.
The deputies agree with all of you that someone had cock-fighting in mind because it has only recently been outlawed here.

it's against the law here and like I said above there is a big cock fighting ring about 20 miles down the road in the next town over and it's a real problem for that city! Micro chip him so if he is stolen and retrieved in a police bust, you'll get him back...​
BY THE WAY whooo hooo
to nugget for protecting the homestead while you were gone...sounds like he got the best of those bad boys!!!
Jeez, I'm with you! If I saw that much blood I'd have thought Freddie Kruger was on the loose!!

Sorry about your Nugget, I hope he will be well soon!

I'm getting ready for bed, I just went out to the coop to see how he is settling in, he's not asleep. He's standing on the milk crate staring out the window, I know if it didn't have wire over it he'd be trying to crawl out.
The pic I posted was just a tiny little bit of the blood, but it was the least offensive, the others I took were just nasty and I won't post them. I don't ever want to have that feeling again.
guys i hate to say this since this is a great thread but now i say this with all the respect in the world and i hope i dont get to flamed for this but a cockfighter would not steal that rooster i am 99% sure because for one he is not game enough for them and i hope everyone knows what that means and 2nd his weight would not let him fight so he would be no use to them so i would say this is someone that is close or someone that has visited lately and liked him and would want to breed with him to get bigger chickens i am sorry but i have seen this first hand so that is why i do not let people come to my house and look at chickens and for disease reasons also so try to remember if anyone has visited you in the last couple of months that liked him well and asked if you wanted to get rid of him hope this helps

Now I'm mad. At whoever messed with his freedom. This just breaks my heart. And I know its for his own safety, and I'd do it too, but geez. Why can't people leave stuff alone that isn't theirs.
How about a vague article in the local paper - no names to know where you live in case chicken nappers see it but DOES ANYONE KNOW SOMEONE WHO SHOWED UP WITH MYSTERIOUS INJURY LAST WEEK? NEIGHBOR CLAWED UP? CALL POLICE IF YOU KNOW ANYONE.

I agree, the other photos would have been too much. Thank you though for posting this compelling story, and I do hope they find the wounded bad guy in the end!

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