Not what you want to come home to (long) blood results post #67


oh the possibilities... the opening scene from CSI, Samnual L Jackson yelling " THERE'S A ROOSTER ON THIS PLANE !!! ", "Alien VS Rooster", and i can't even imagine what Columbo could do with this.....
I feel for you and glad things are better.

Did anyone check the hospitals to see if anyone came in that night bleeding?

Because cock fighting just got outlawed Nugget is in real danger now. If said person was after him for that word will get out about the attack in that circle. He will be on thier most wanted list. Which in this case is not good for you at all. Please be very careful and keep him locked up and put out more motion sensor lights. These people are ruthless and have no problem destroying property to get what they want. Nugget is worth a fortune to them in that circle. I mean literly Thousands of dollars now.

Trust me on one thing even though cock fightening was outlawed it will never be stopped. It just goes underground and the birds price goes even more up. If I were you I would keep nugget locked up out of site for a few weeks. That way those people driving by will not see him and think he is dead. Otherwise you will get more univited guests. I know it is scary as all get out, but plan for the worst case senario. Be Perpared for another visit and hope it does not happen.

Wishing lots of peace and health for nugget.
Nugget will be in a pen as long as I'm not home or at night just in case someone tries for him. I keep thinking though that someone tried to get in my house through the window he sleeps under and maybe tried to pick him up and move him, woke him up, then paid the price. I won't even try to move him when he's asleep! He wakes up in a panic and will attack anything near him.
He's a big guy, as was pointed out earlier, too big for fighting, but they may still want his strength in breeding I guess.
I jsut ran across this thread and I had to sit down and read the enitre thing.... first of all I hope that nugget is beeter and the criminal is caught soon
you are so lucky that you have friends that could push this through for you so quickly, and will keep an eye on your lawn, I love living next to my inlaws because I always know that if we are gone they will watch the animals and always keep an eye on things

again - go nugget

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