Noticable changes with hand mixed feed (good or bad)


Jun 14, 2022
I understand there is a lot disagreement about this topic so please keep it friendly. I'm not looking for advice on the best way to mix my own feed or anything like that. I've done a lot of research and am taking it slow and careful. I mostly am interested in feedback on noticable effects from those that have tried mixing your own feed, good or bad. Like, better or worse egg production? Better or worse egg shell strength? better or worse feathers? etc. I'm on day 4 so it is too early to tell but it is also mixed in with their old feed too so I'm not sure that I'd see any results at this point anyways. Thank you :)
As compared to what? There are good feeds, bad feeds, average feeds, and inappropriate feeds. There are terrible at home recipes, bad at home recipes, and a few decent to good at home recipes.
Egg production is hardly affected by feed unless your feed is markedly deficient. Protein is one of the key factors there. But the difference between good protein and great protein may only be a 2 or 3% change in production. In a small flock, over a short period, that difference is so tiny as to disappear into statistical noise.
Harder shells? Calcium / phosphorus ratio is key, but there is a critical vitamin (I'd need to check sources) as well.

There's no simple answer, and most who are at home mixing aren't keeping reliable records and maintaining a second flock on a different feed to use as a reference / comparison..

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