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I think my backyard flocks eggs taste better (I might be a tiny bit prejudiced)...the shells are harder, the yolks darker and the white less runny. Give yours a taste and see what you think!
. Does anyone know what this breed of hen is?

The lighting is a bit on the dark side, but looking at the depth of the body and the size of the breast, I'm thinking it's probably a Red Broiler (also marketed under the name Red Ranger) meat bird. It might also be a New Hampshire. Better lighting would help in determining its breed.
The lighting is a bit on the dark side, but looking at the depth of the body and the size of the breast, I'm thinking it's probably a Red Broiler (also marketed under the name Red Ranger) meat bird. It might also be a New Hampshire. Better lighting would help in determining its breed.

I just saw your updated pics under What Breed or Gender is This? and in those pics the white feathers in the tail can be clearly seen; also there appears to be white underfluff; both traits which are typical of Red Sex Links.

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