NY chicken lover!!!!

I know maple springs!

I don't have a place to put them till spring. I'm getting ready to pull everything inside for the winter now. In the spring when things move out into the tractors I'll have an extra small coop or 2 for nesting purposes. If I found some now they'd have to be super super cheap/free. And all I have space for would be girls. I'm not upsetting my current banty wyandotte roo.
yeah i would imagin by spring they maybe gone ..or she maybe ready by then to just get rid of them to make room for more ..i'll still try and reach her and let you no what she has going on ..
hope ya dont mind my 2 pennys worth ..you can do that and it will be fine ..just remember when you rehook the cable it will take awhile for it to reboot ..mine takes about 10 minutes or so ..you may not want to do it just before your shows come on or ya may miss some of it ..just a heads up ..
Mind? I WANT your two cents worth.

Pro 11:14

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
Afternoon All!
It's so nice here today, THIS is the Fall I love. Not the Fall it has been with temps in the 50's, cold, wet and rainy! Funny, I guess we were suppose to rain today, DD came home with a notice saying her field trip today was postponed until Oct 22nd due to the rain and today would have been the most perfect day it! Guess it decided to clear up before morning. Owell. Sold 2 chicks today, another 3 will be going home by Friday, 2 more this weekend and I'll have maybe 4 left? I can't even remember how many hatched! 11 I think? I wasn't happy with this hatch. No more hatching from the Silkie/Polish crosses. I thought they'd throw me some nice sizzles seeing as how that's practically what they are - smooth sizzles. But I got 2 chicks with 6 toes, some that not bearded, some that don't have good foot feathering. But those are my kids' hens and I like them a lot too so they'll stay. Maybe I'll move them in with Ella and Stella.

My FIL is building me a run. Said he could have it done in a day and even bring it up here and help me set it up. I can't wait to see it.
If these chicks keep hatching as early as they do, I'm gonna have to start locking down on days 16 or 17 instead of day 18! Today is lockdown, I had one pip already last night, and these two are looking like they're gonna hatch today!

Wow! That seems early! Suspense........very "egg-citing!"

OM. I've missed so many posts.

HOWEVER I have a question. I'd like to move the TV to the other side of the room. How hard is it to move the cable to the other side.

We have it up through the floor from the basement now. Is it hard to disconnect it from the box and just move it. Drilling a hole through the floor on the other side?

We can't just run it around to the other side without crossing a doorway. So I figure it has to go up through the floor.

I think my husband did just that at my mom's house when we put a TV in her bedroom for her. Did you try it yet? If not, I'll ask him when he gets home later to make sure I'm not "mis-remembering", lol! Hope your wife is doing well these days, Rancher?

I agree with Marquisella & AQHA - these people sound like low lifes who wouldn't care how low they stoop to hurt people/animals. Send a civil letter as mentioned, then have nothing else to do with them. You don't want to have to deal with a 'hillbilly feud' mentality - it could get very ugly very quickly - remember - your friends here know you are the bigger/smarted person

Yeah, Metalla, Telling them off could feel good initially, but it would only make for bad feelings, and they could be nasty, and it could escalate...so what everyone else said. But the most important reason to be low key is how you will feel in the long run. I never feel good if I over react and loose my cool. Take the high road for your own sake, they aren't worth it, the potential damage is done...


Tough situation and I would be so GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR over it, too! I find that whenever I assume other folks have the same moral compass as I do, I can be sorely disappointed. However, as short a fuse as I might have over something like this (and fantasizing about what I could say or do to hammer home my anger and disgust) I have to agree with boskelli and Glasshen. You might actually just perpetuate a sour relationship with these jerks, at the least perpetuating a "feud" of sorts, and maybe worse, making them do something nasty to "get you back."

If you are going to send a letter, keep it brief and to the point and just matter-of-fact -- try not to get emotional. I know that's easier said than done, as I am BIG on the emotion scale!

Sorry for the trouble you went through. Hope your flock is OK.

Anyone had trouble mixing 2 different age groups of chickens together? My big girls (8 SLW) are around 18 weeks old, while my little girls ( 1 columbian and 4 GLW) are maybe 12 weeks old, and I tried putting them together and the big girls attacked the first one they saw. I then put them in a run next to the big girls run for a week, then tried again. After 3 days of the little girls being scared to death and basically being chased back into the coop anytime they came out I reseperated them. That was a week ago. I'm wondering if I should try again, or wait for them to get bigger so the big girls don't intimidate them as much.
Anyone had trouble mixing 2 different age groups of chickens together? My big girls (8 SLW) are around 18 weeks old, while my little girls ( 1 columbian and 4 GLW) are maybe 12 weeks old, and I tried putting them together and the big girls attacked the first one they saw. I then put them in a run next to the big girls run for a week, then tried again. After 3 days of the little girls being scared to death and basically being chased back into the coop anytime they came out I reseperated them. That was a week ago. I'm wondering if I should try again, or wait for them to get bigger so the big girls don't intimidate them as much.
My older hens still pick on my 15 week old pullets. The pullets have learned to stay away from them. Its just a chicken pecking order thing. As long as they all have enough room to stay away from each other there is no problems. The most amusing part is roosting at night. The babies roost in the middle with big girls on either side.

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