NY chicken lover!!!!

Here's one for my gardening peeps - a quick tutorial on how to grow potatoes in a trash bag. I may actually end up doing this, as it looks extremely easy, which means I'm all for it.


Also, let me inflict one of my artsy "around the yard" photos of my forsythia bush on you, just because it's cheerful and it sounds like we could use a little bit of cheer around here this evening!

Henni - this seems to be a good year for Forsythia. I see lots of yellow in lots of yards. I should plant some. My lilacs are coming up though i don't expect to see flowers on them cuz their too small.
Henni - this seems to be a good year for Forsythia. I see lots of yellow in lots of yards. I should plant some. My lilacs are coming up though i don't expect to see flowers on them cuz their too small.

It has been a great year for them down here by me. They're flowering heavily, and look fantastic! I love 'em.
I know exactly how you feel. Last summer I looked out the kitchen window to see one of my girls running for her life into the hay barn with a Redtail hawk in hot pursuit! It even banked and flew right into the barn. I ran out screaming at the top of my voice and it took off. There were red feathers everywhere and I thought I would find a corpse. Couldn't find her! Finally looked under the riding mower and there she was! Dragged her out and held her for a while. She was panting like mad. She was one that I hatched,so that hawk didn't know how lucky it was! One thing about having a rooster,they guard the hens....if only they wern't so nasty to their people! Maybe I'll try one again,who knows!

if you want a rooster to watch the flock, but one that is gentle look at getting a brahma roo. they are gentle even with kids.
I'm new to this, but in all my reading, the primary reason for the red bulb was because it does not mimic daylight, so it keeps the chicks warm, but it allows them to have "dark" when the white, overhead lights are turned off.

the primary benefit to a red bulb is it makes everything look red, so birds do not focus on injuries of other birds because the injuries do not stand out.
I think my current alpha roo is from you...a NH Red we call Crookshanks. Is your Leo one of my BOs? If so, his daddy was Leo too, but he started attacking me and my DD so.....we now have his son, Big Boy.

No, the current roo is an EE that I hatched out. I just rehomed 'Mohawk', which as you may recall was one of your BO chicks that was scalped as a baby. He turned out to be a good roo EXCEPT that he was very noisy and easily scared. Alerted on pretty much anything and would go on alerting for an hour. :p But he never attacked me or anyone else and even my leghorns liked him. He was part of the package deal with his two lady friends when I had to rehome that entire coop. I hope they are doing well. =(

(he still had a tuft of feathers sticking out one side of his head after his childhood 'accident'). :)

this be my main man leo:

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Anyone hatching in a week or so? I have chicks hatching today for the easter hatch, but if my broody won't take any (she's only 2+ weeks in) I'm going to try to find chicks for her next weekend. Would prefer to pick up pullet hatchery chicks, but tsc should be out by that time.

If I have a big hatch today/tomorrow might TRY to see if she'll take a few early - did it once before and it worked, but as everyone knows, each broody is different. :)

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