NY chicken lover!!!!

Just to jump in on this to handle a rooster or not discussion. I have 3 roosters, 2 are nice and 1 is mean. The mean one is one that I got as a little chick and held all the time. He's the little devil sebright, I always just assume he has little man syndrome and feels he needs to be tough. The BO roo was rarely handled and he is very nice, he will come over to see what I'm doing and keep an eye on things but if I even move my hand toward him he takes off (he also goes after the Sebright roo when he tries to attack me). I also have a barnyard mix roo who was never handled and he follows me around the yard like a little puppy but again, gives me distance and never goes after me. I haven't bothered to get right of the Sebright, I don't think he would make good eats and it's just almost funny when he goes after me now...

By the way Lynzi, that white silkie I got from you is broody, she made a little nest in the shed....silly thing. She seems quite comfortable hidden behind some pipes in the little corner. I think I'll give her some eggs to sit on for me.
Interesting discussion on the pros and cons of handling a roo from babyhood. Never thought about that, and not having roosters, I'm glad I don't have that dilemma!

I have noticed my alpha girl, Helen (the Marans) roosting on TOP of two of the others. Like riding water skis. Seriously. They don't seem to care, except when she's first getting herself aboard.

Should I just leave her be? I haven't removed her yet, but I do feel kind of bad for the other subordinate girls. Especially in the heat last night.

Sorry for all the multiple posts, but I'm catching up on 2 days' worth of posts. Crazy days and power outages have put me way behind!

Have a good day everyone!


PS: Breela, that was a wicked video of that ominous cloud. Like Cass said, when you see green in the clouds, it's usually a darned good indicator of serious weather. Your video reminded me of a tornado incident we had in Canada (my cottage) about 7 or 8 years ago. Sky looked just like that, only this time it DID form a tornado. It did a lot of damage to the north shore of the lake, where we have our place. Trees were uprooted, smashed and twisted like match sticks.
being you don't have a roo she is taking the position
By the way Lynzi, that white silkie I got from you is broody, she made a little nest in the shed....silly thing. She seems quite comfortable hidden behind some pipes in the little corner. I think I'll give her some eggs to sit on for me.

That's the first time she's gone broody!! Good luck! Hope she hatches you some nice chickies. What did the Silkie chick end up being that I gave you?? Was it a roo like I thought or no?

**Nevermind, I remember now that you DIDN'T want another roo, so I tried getting you a hen (or one with the least comb development at that time). I paired the one I thought was a roo with the duo I gave to the woman in Camillus.
So did end up being a hen??? LOL
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That's the first time she's gone broody!! Good luck! Hope she hatches you some nice chickies. What did the Silkie chick end up being that I gave you?? Was it a roo like I thought or no?

**Nevermind, I remember now that you DIDN'T want another roo, so I tried getting you a hen (or one with the least comb development at that time). I paired the one I thought was a roo with the duo I gave to the woman in Camillus.
So did end up being a hen??? LOL
Haha I'm pretty sure it's a hen, he/she hasn't crowed yet and doesn't seem to be bothering the roo it's with. Also hasn't laid an egg though so we'll see. I'm really thinking it's a hen though luckily haha or a VERY submissive roo who may be having some gender confusion issues.
Haha I'm pretty sure it's a hen, he/she hasn't crowed yet and doesn't seem to be bothering the roo it's with. Also hasn't laid an egg though so we'll see. I'm really thinking it's a hen though luckily haha or a VERY submissive roo who may be having some gender confusion issues.
Ok good! Glad to hear. I would have felt bad. LOL It'll be 22wks old on this coming Monday, so possibly any day now you could be getting an egg if it is a hen.
Just wanting to say Hello everyone! Hope the terrible, oppressive humidity quits without torrential rains. Some flood watches going out. It is getting quite dark here. Finished planting the veggie plants I buy from a very kind gentleman up the road. He just turned 100 this year. I get the most awesome-ist veggies from the plants he starts. Guess if we want to live looooong active lives we just need to keep moving. I have loads of chicks if anyone is interested in stopping by. Make me an offer, ANY OFFER! Have a great Thursday!

Ok good! Glad to hear. I would have felt bad. LOL It'll be 22wks old on this coming Monday, so possibly any day now you could be getting an egg if it is a hen.
Maybe that's why it's trying to cram into the nesting area with the broody. She also stands there just staring her down...it's pretty funny to watch.
I can't say what causes my hens to go broody but they just do. I'm getting plenty of eggs so don't care too much. Except having to buy grower so often. Can't put layer out lest the babies get it.

Holding a roo? I've never heard such things. Only roo I don't mess with is the BR. He no longer attacks me but I'm not tempting him either.

My Dels have never gone after anyone. Grandchildren go in among the flock and they're fine. I can pick up George but he don't like it much. He's got spurs that can do some damage if he wanted.

Mario and Luigi both have been picked up and carried around by me. They seem resolved to my holding them. They will let me reach out and touch them and come close.

Don't pick up the CR cuz I just don't. He's in with Mario and Luigi.

The BM did go after my wife but I don't know why. He's never come at me. I don't hold him cuz I just have no desire.

I personally believe it's the breed and the line. Some breeds are just not friendly and some are too inbred.

I have a BR hen with a chick that has come at me, but not flown in my face like my Dominique did. Don't make it a habit of messing with a hen and her chicks.

TOB - I'd just gently take her off the other two and put her on the roost next to them.

I've read to have all the roosts the same height and did try that but it resulted in a picking problem and blood being drawn so I went back to the "ladder" design.
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