NY chicken lover!!!!

I laid mine directly on the screen, not knowing any better. Some people say that the egg carton makes it hard to keep the humidity steady, cuz the box absorbs liquid. Rancher does staggered hatches, I think. But you are right, you will be opening it twice a day to turn them quickly, so you can add eggs to the 'bator. If you have a separate brooder to put the first hatched into, then you shouldn't have any major problem with different hatching times.
I want to say "sucker", but I have chickens because my Mallards from the previous year didn't come back....so your "excuse" is far better than mine. Enjoy your flock. I am sure your daughter will love having the chickens around.

I've used paper egg cartons after rinsing with hot water and letting them dry. I never wet the cartons. I've use the styrofoam cartons too, but I don't put them in cartons until lockdown when there is not turning to do. My hatches always take three days to complete at least. The start on day 20. I do keep the temp above the 99.5 also. 100.0 - 101.0

You really have to practice and get your own system and routine down.
I've used paper egg cartons after rinsing with hot water and letting them dry. I never wet the cartons. I've use the styrofoam cartons too, but I don't put them in cartons until lockdown when there is not turning to do. My hatches always take three days to complete at least. The start on day 20. I do keep the temp above the 99.5 also. 100.0 - 101.0

You really have to practice and get your own system and routine down.
gotcha, well I'll have to see how these sit in there with and without. But as far as is I use cartons - the eggs don't HAVE to be resting on their sides?
Man, I LOVE tabbed browsing. I just invited jenndk from OK to visit us over here and was able to put a link to this thread over there without having to go back back back or opening another browser window. (Anyone remember that hassle?)

I have 3 under the latest broody. She seems to be a good mommy, so far.

Anyone had enough rain yet? My cellar sure has. I am thanking my lucky stars that Ray hasn't put my boots "away" yet, cuz once he does that I won't find them until he brings them back out again. I always wanted a wife in my life....now I am starting to understand why husbands get so upset sometimes.
Well I got ahold of the cam and took some pics of coop for the window issues and cause I was bored and I have flooded the fourms with pics in a few days.

east facing wall plan on putting next boxes on out side to right of the window

north facing wall the side I had rain problems you can see part of window to left of boarded up part

west facing wall

south facing wall that window i'm thinking of plexiglassing and putting some smaller ones down lower so sun can come in.

inside the coop right side window is the boarded up window.

just chick food water treat holder and little dust bathing pan

Still have some painting to do and some window covers to make and plexiglass windows to make and the nest box.
Lynzi, we keep picking rocks and dumping them at a spot in the woods. You're welcome to see what is there. I think if your pool project has the outlet hole low it could empty since there would be more pressure to drain the water in the pool than to fill the pool from the stream. So, I think you could just let is spill over with no outlet hose, or keep the hose high so that it won't empty below the level of the hose. Those are my thoughts, they are honed by many years of playing in streams...

Thank you all for the kind words on our anniversary. I now have two quite nice gardens that have been tilled. Tomorrow may add stuff from the coop and last years compost pile. Then we can play with the toy again.
Lynzi, we keep picking rocks and dumping them at a spot in the woods. You're welcome to see what is there. I think if your pool project has the outlet hole low it could empty since there would be more pressure to drain the water in the pool than to fill the pool from the stream. So, I think you could just let is spill over with no outlet hose, or keep the hose high so that it won't empty below the level of the hose. Those are my thoughts, they are honed by many years of playing in streams...

Thank you all for the kind words on our anniversary. I now have two quite nice gardens that have been tilled. Tomorrow may add stuff from the coop and last years compost pile. Then we can play with the toy again.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. That makes sense now I think of it, if I place the hole for the hose of incoming water at the bottom and the hose for outgoing at the top - I never would have thought to do that! So THANKS!!! This way if the water level reaches the top hose, the only water that will drain out is the water reaching that level.

Do you have a lot of wildlife that "attacks" your gardens or are they fenced in? My friend tried last year growing a bunch of stuff in her backyard garden but was getting so frustrated with the rabbits, chipmunks, birds, etc eating everything. My biggest problem with doing a garden here would my own birds! I'm still trying to figure out what I should do around my patio this year to keep them from digging out all the mulch. I haven't touched that part of my flower beds because of it, never mind getting a garden started. If I were to do a small garden at all it would have to be in flower boxes and kept up on my front porch I think.
Man, I LOVE tabbed browsing. I just invited jenndk from OK to visit us over here and was able to put a link to this thread over there without having to go back back back or opening another browser window. (Anyone remember that hassle?)

I have 3 under the latest broody. She seems to be a good mommy, so far.

Anyone had enough rain yet? My cellar sure has. I am thanking my lucky stars that Ray hasn't put my boots "away" yet, cuz once he does that I won't find them until he brings them back out again. I always wanted a wife in my life....now I am starting to understand why husbands get so upset sometimes.
I LOVE tabbed browsing! I even have it on my web browser on my iphone. I can leave BYC open all the time and go to as many other sites as I want without ever leaving it. LOL
jbwhite -

I think I got my duck pool all leveled out and in a good spot. Next step is going to be cutting holes towards the bottom to place the hoses in and out so keep the water flowing. I'm thinking I'm going to need some type of washer to help with leakage?? IDK, I just don't know if I should even have a hose going out the back at all?!? Or if I should just let it overflow out the back and back into the woods? I keep wondering if having that second hose will keep it from staying filled all the time without overflowing. Like will the pool just empty out completely?? I really know nothing about that. Right now that two hose pieces I would be using are the same size. Should the one draining out be smaller? Other than that it looks good. I want to get some pavers to build around the front of it to make it look somewhat nice. (I know, I know, the ducks are just going to make a mess of it anyway LOL) I have all sorts of plants growing along the edge of my property and right in front of this pool, I swear it looks like celery!

I have to say, it is nice to finally have a day off with nothing to do! No projects, no laundry to do, no cleaning up the house, it's just a shame it's cold outside otherwise I'd be relaxing on my front porch with a drink in hand enjoying the sunshine!
If I am recalling your previous pics correctly you are using a kiddie pool. I have years of experience with those things. They break under pressure, so I would suggest a hole several inches under the top level to allow water to get out before the pressure builds up and causes a crack in the pool.

If I were able to make such a wonderful pool area for my birds I would be out there with the drill, large width drill bit and some wood or rocks....then I would drill a line of holes about 3 inches below the top lip of the pool so the water can flow out. Once I saw where it was hitting the ground I would put the wood or rocks (or both) right where the water was hitting the ground to slow/stop erosion. My own water fall. I would be in heaven, the ducks would have somewhere to swim, the chickens would be eating the worms and other yummies the wet ground brought to the surface. I take a chair out there and sit around watching the flock's antics.

Ok, now I am officially jealous.

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