NY chicken lover!!!!

Aww pyxis I am so sorry for you. that sounds like an awful week! I am glad at least some of your birds got away!!

I will hopefully have a few chicks hatching on saturday from my county boy eggs and if anything hatches I can certainly spare some. If you need more chicks just let me know!
My opinion and worth every cent you paid for it:

Cass, your advice is priceless! I'll see how many of our eggs I can spare from the paying customers. Egg count has been down a bit the past couple days, wondering if the girls are hiding them somewhere with Luna hogging the box. Finding the Ancona eggs near the coop still, but those are not likely to be fertile as the roosters can rarely catch them. Now the two red sex link girls are nearly bare-backed from too much lovin.
Pyxis - what an awful week! Hope it gets better soon. If the neighbors have nuisance dogs, at least alert the local dog warden. To protect your flock, some electric netting may be in order.
Pyxis, you are a strong woman! I would have lost it long ago. My neighbor was having visits from a couple of dogs from a house closer to her, but not really close. Those dogs just went anywhere. My friend had horses, a dog and cats. She did call the dog warden, who came by and told her he could make them go away. Things got better, and I see those dogs once in a while in their own yard.

I love my electric fence, and I love the sound dogs make when they decide to run through it that first time. There is usually not a second time. Electricity breeds respect.
I feel sorry for this chick I have. It's one of the gold laced cochins I got last week. They was suppose to be 4 weeks old but it's so much smaller than even my 4 week bantams was so i'm thinking younger. I put the other one down due to bum leg didn't want it suffering or being picked on so this little guy has been alone in house since wed. Right now it's sitting on my desk next to key board as I type away. Wish I had another little one for it cause the bigger chickens out side pick on it too much so when its out and they are out it runs to my wife or me or the kids to protect it. Well you know me it's pic time.

Only going to subject ya'll to two pics. The other chick was more like 4 weeks it was almost double the size of this one. It had more gold in it also. Just wish this one would get bigger faster so it could go out with the other chickens.

Maybe make an area in the coop that the chic can get into but the big girls cants. I have seen it made with plastic fencing with holes only big enough for the babies to get in. Or a laundry basket turned upside down or I have seen others who used metal fencing that was wide enough for the babies but not the big hens. They put the babies food in there as well.
My new EE is kind of mean to the babies so I might need to do this. But its the 1st time she has been with them so I am giving her a few days to see if she settles down
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So anyway, that was my week, sigh. Here's hoping this week will be better. Sorry to write a small novel, I just wanted to vent and I knew you guys more than anyone else would understand why my week was so awful. No 'they're just chickens' here!

Let me preface my below statement with the fact that I love animals, specially dogs. I'd kill that dog. Flat out kill it, and any other nusiance animal that comes into my yard and harms my animals. I grew up in NYC, where when walking my own dog at night, after one episode of nearly being mauled by an off leash dog I started carrying a knife and realized that I would indeed stab someone or their dog that was trying to harm me or mine. Same goes here in my yard, if it's in MY yard it's on MY property and I will defend myself, my family and my pets with any means I can get a hold of.

Check with your local laws, try to get photos of an attack in progress and notify the authorities-- or just make the dog disappear yourself. Also, I'd settle those neighbors with a bill for all the dead chickens.
Let me preface my below statement with the fact that I love animals, specially dogs. I'd kill that dog. Flat out kill it, and any other nusiance animal that comes into my yard and harms my animals. I grew up in NYC, where when walking my own dog at night, after one episode of nearly being mauled by an off leash dog I started carrying a knife and realized that I would indeed stab someone or their dog that was trying to harm me or mine. Same goes here in my yard, if it's in MY yard it's on MY property and I will defend myself, my family and my pets with any means I can get a hold of.

Check with your local laws, try to get photos of an attack in progress and notify the authorities-- or just make the dog disappear yourself. Also, I'd settle those neighbors with a bill for all the dead chickens.
Breella, I'm also a dog lover but I agree with you 100%
People need to take responsibility for their animals.
I think in Pyxis' case, especially when the neighbors were TOLD to keep their dog away and were TOLD what their dog was doing, you have absolutely every reason to kill that dog. I would try notifying the authorities first, and hand the neighbors a bill but if you catch that dog in the middle of an attack or on your property again, you have every right to do what it necessary to protect your flock.
So anyway, that was my week, sigh. Here's hoping this week will be better. Sorry to write a small novel, I just wanted to vent and I knew you guys more than anyone else would understand why my week was so awful. No 'they're just chickens' here!

Well that is what we are here for, you can vent to us anytime. take care sweetie I'm glad your okay and staying strong.
Pyxis - I am so, so sorry for what you have been through. SSS would be an answer. Electric fence is also an answer. Sad that it has to come to this though due to the negligence of the humans. Good luck and hope all goes better for you.
Oh okay thanks. I'm trying to grow everything LOL I forgot a lot all my labels washed off as for the premenant marker I asked my son to use wasn't and washed off. I looks like some things are growing like my beans pumkins and sunflower seeds my herbs are great. Strawberries, and pirennials are great. not sure what else is growning but we will see. Plus I was told about a few places to go to talk to someone experienced who can help me out. But for a beginner I think I did very very well especially starting from seeds I just poked into the ground with chicken poop!!!!!!! I hope some eggplant or squash comes up though. we will see stuff is growing.


Love it that is great that they are working together and no fighting to raise this chick!!!

I always love your ideas it seems I have access to similar items to you I save my contains of all kinds, and have plenty of extra wood and branches. Great ideas I'm putting them to use! I got a long weekend to work.

I say grow everything and you're sure to get something that succeeds. As for branches and the like, I've even stopped and taken long branches off the side of the road that people cut and put out. Stood there on the side of the road with my clippers and cutters and trimmed off the leaves loaded them in my car and then cleaned up the mess piling it back on the side of the road. I don't think folks mind as long as you don't leave them with a mess to clean up.

Of course you could just cut them at home and put the trimmings in your compost pile.

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