NY chicken lover!!!!

Don't give up on them!!!! I once accidentally took 15 day in fertile eggs from a broody and they only hatched 2 days over what should have been the original hatch date!!!
I actually candled them today instead of waiting till tomorrow like I mentioned I was going to do, I just couldn't wait. I saw movement in the two eggs that are furthest along. Couldn't really tell in the other two. I'll check again in the next few days.
Glad to have all the new folks!
This morning my broody was standing on her travel dog crate that was inside the Newf sized wire kennel that had a "roof" of sorts. When I went to let her out to stretch etc, she was soaking wet. The travel crate had water in it and the eggs felt cool. She walked around a bit, and I drained out the crate and put a couple of old sheets in there for her to be a bit absorbent then to welled her off, and back in she went with those two eggs. I bungied feed sacks to the sides of the wire crate to keep the weather out, wisk I would have done that earlier. Her comb is a nasty not pink color, so I'm giving her some special rations. A couple of drops of vitamins in her water, some rice, amaranth and chia seeds to munch on in addition to the regular feed. And in a bit I'll get her some spinach and Swiss chard from the garden and tear it up for her. Poor little momma. Hope she and the eggs pull through. She is low on the pecking order, so I may have to fence an area in for her while they are small, if they hatch. It might be this weekend!
I'll tell ya, my chickens, they're up to no good today. They're plotting something and I don't like the looks of it. I left a little while ago to pick up my son and right before I left I caught this chickie up on my porch railing giving me the stink eye...

So I pick up my son and head back home to find one of the BRs and my BO hen running back to the house from down the road! And all I could think of is them saying in their little chicken heads is "Quick!! She's home, she's home! Hurry, get back to the yard!" They have NEVER gone into the road and now to be coming from DOWN the road, not just near it? I think they took a walk over to my neighbors and involved her hens in this master plan they've got going!

As if that isn't enough, I was just washing dishes and heard this clunk outside my kitchen window, I have a rabbit hutch down below the window that needs moving back up to the rabbit area of the yard - this is what I found: (sorry it's burry that window has something wrong with it, almost like a film that developed inside the glass, can't get it clear by washing the outside or inside.)

Something is up with these girls. It's like they're plotting an attack on me.
Hey guys,

Been a very very long time, but the hubster returned from deployment in December and its been non stop at our farmstead, been thinking about the BYC and the NEW YORK THREAD and hubster is encouraging me to get back on here and reacquaint our family with y'all.

Hello I am Jeannie I have been a member of the BYC for several years, my first BYC home was the OKIES IN THE BYC thread, we lived 6 good years there until the ARMY moved us to here in NY fall of 2011. We currently own a 130 year old Farmhouse on 15 acres here in the "North Country" and raise about 38 chickens (and counting). We are looking to get together with other like minded chicken lovers in around the area and hopefully make friends in the process... We loved attending auctions in our past home life and hope to locate some up here as well.

I look forward to getting to know you all much better now than when I first tried to establish myself here on the NY thread..

Welcome back, Barn Swallow. Glad your dh is home, and that you are safe here in NYS where dangerous weather is rare. My heart goes out to the folks in OK, however.

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