NY chicken lover!!!!

Amen TOB and Rancher. Not to give parenting advice or anything but my job is actually studying juvenile mental health courts and I deal with and interview a lot of kids that are under 15 years old and if that boy is threatening her like that, especially at that age I would be very concerned...also just the fact that they were in an "exclusive" relationship is problematic...but whatever, we don't have the full story so I'll stay out of it... Anyway, I'm starting to get the incubator bug again...I was just telling my coworker and she goes "do we need to stage an intervention...? You're getting a little close to being a hoarder..." I only have 40 chickens...I think she would be afraid to hear what others have haha Have a good Monday everyone!
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JLaw - Stony actually has Indian Runners (I don't know about the color but def the breed) and his ducks are the just the cutest!!! If I ever expand with my ducks I'll be getting some IR's from him.
Oh I know he has runners but he needs black ones. I haven't seen him post black ones yet.
Maybe we should trade Hawaii some of our feral pigs for some of their feral chickens.
Actually, come to think of it, I believe Hawaii has a problem with feral pigs, as well.

ChickPrincess - I think kids having exclusive relationships like that at 11 and 12 is too early. The emotional pressure is too much for their (lack of) maturity at that age. This is my opinion, but I do have two boys, ages 12 and 15. Crushes are natural and healthy, but "boyfriend / girlfriend" and computer correspondence at such a young age is just a recipe for trouble. Have your daughter put some real distance between herself and that boy.

Aren't those pigs everywhere and slowly moving up north because they are a hybrid with the freakishly large Russian pig? Yeah they are soon becoming a national problem, I love watching the shows where people catch them and have the dogs help.
TAB - I just noticed AQHA's location. Have you consider "Averill" ? Remember Anne of Green Gables, story Averill's attonement. Wonder what it means. I'll have to look it up.

Averill meaning and name origin

Averill \a-veri-ll, av(e)-rill\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Averill), is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Averill is "boar battle". From "eofor hild" with connotations of a ferocious fighter. Industrialist and statesman Averell Harriman.
Averill has 12 variant forms: Ave, Averel, Averell, Averil, Averyl, Averyll, Avrel, Avrell, Avrill, Avryll, Haverell and Haverill.

Then again maybe not.

I believe a childs name should give them something to live up to.

Hence my son's name Sebastian = respected. Amanda = deserving to be loved. Laura = sign of victory and Mikhael = who is like God.
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Today is my daughter's birthday...she's not 4 (going on 14). Let me just say I have about had it with her today. You would think I've been arguing with a teenager all day. I must be the meanest mom too but I'm sorry my kids know there are consequences when they act out or act selfish. Just to give you a little tid-bit on what I did today just because I think it's funny...So my mom (who lives in CT) wanted to send her a package so she'd actually get a gift from her on her birthday. My daughter told her a week or so ago she wants "everything for girls" and she really like unicorns. So my mom found this purple unicorn pillow pet at the store and decided she would send her that. We're both thinking Wow, she's going to be soooo surprised and so happy with it, etc etc. Well my mom tells me to video tape her when she gets it and opens it. I did, but the reaction wasn't what we expected. She was upset, "it wasn't what she wanted" "It doesn't even do anything" and just flat out threw a fit over the fact that my mom stuck a swirly pop lollipop in there for my son so he would have something small and not feel left out but didn't put one in there for her. So she threw her fit, marched upstairs, leaving the pillow pet on the floor in the kitchen. So I grabbed it, put it back in the box, hid the box and when she came downstairs looking for it I told her I gave it back to the mailman to bring back to grandmas.
Evil I know! I'm sorry but I cant stand it when a kid - any kid opens up a gift and is all "What is this? I didn't ask for this. This isn't what I wanted." And I will NOT allow for my kids to behave that way. Call me mean, but thats just the way I am.

So she calmed down, I gave her the speech of how selfish she was acting and I don't care what anyone gives her you always say Thank You. I told her she is going to call Grandma later, tell her she got her package in the mail but because of how she acted about it Mom put it back in the mail to send back to you. I called my mom and told her to play along so that when Tess asks her if she can send it back I'll make like it was re-delivered a day or two from now. She thought it was hilarious.

Anywho....on to chickens, I have a question about these eggs I'm going to lockdown on Wednesday. Should I be doing anything with them before I lock down? Like position them a certain way? Leave them in the carton? Take them out of the carton? Lay them on their sides? Air cell up or down?
Well called about my job for orientation and the boss wasn't there, so no need to worry about working.

Doing the wash today. DW has seen fit to let me do all but her clothes. I prefer to fold AND put things away. I also hang everything that can be hung since we have little shelf and drawer room. Can you see how I am? A little OCD I admit. Things have to be hung the same way , towels put in the closet the same way and organized.

Anyhow , worked in the garden a bit even though it rained and I couldn't mow grass. Cut some trees I felled a while ago to make a rustic arbor. Plenty of trees to thin out. It sounds nicer than it will turn out but once it's covered with Wisteria it should be nice.

I've post holes to dig and would call my SIL but he's single minded and doesn't take instructions well. Does it his own way anyhow. We bump heads though I just fume later and don't argue. I try to be grateful.

Lynzii - not sure what you mean but I put my eggs in lockdown in cartons like this. I have used paper giving it a good rinse in hot water and letting it dry too.


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